American Chop Suey
Directions Ingredients
Make the Tomato Sauce first. In a large sauce pan,
mix all of the Sauce ingredients. Cook for 1.5 hours
until grease forms on top of sauce.
Cook Macaroni or Penne Pasta as directed on
Brown Ground Beef and Onion. Drain off grease,
returning Ground Beef to frying pan.
Add Tomato Sauce and Pasta to the Ground Beef.
Cook over medium heat until heated throughout.
Tomato Sauce:
1 Can (14-16 oz) Crushed Tomatos
1 Tbsp. Parsley, Dried
1 Tsp. Basil, Dried
1/2 Lb. Macaroni or Penne Pasta
1 Lb. Ground Beef
1 Small to Medium Onion, Chopped
Variation: Use shallot instead of onion.
Beef and Broccoli
Directions Ingredients
In a large bowl, marinate the Steak Tips for 10
minutes in Soy Sauce, Cornstarch and Sugar. Remove
the Steak Tips from bowl and reserve the sauce
Place the Steak Tips in a large frying pan, and brown
in Olive Oil. Add Onion and cook until onion is
tender, but crisp. Stir in Broccoli. Cook 10 minutes.
Stir in reserved marinade.
Serve over rice.