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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fish a la Normandie.

Just 4 u

Boil a trout well seasoned; add 1 sliced onion, 1 carrot chopped, 2 sprigs of parsley and 1 bay−leaf, a few
peppercorns and 1
tablespoonful of butter. When done, beat the yolks of 2 eggs with a little cream; add salt and a pinch of
cayenne. Remove the fish to a platter. Mix the egg sauce with the water in which the fish was cooked; add 1/2
cup of cream. Let get very hot and pour over the fish. Garnish with parsley. Serve hot.

Austrian Apple Omelet.

Just 4 u

Peel, core and slice some apples very thin. Heat 1 large tablespoonful of butter in a frying−pan; put in the
apples and let them steam until tender. Make an egg omelet batter; sweeten to taste and pour over the apples;
let cook until set. Cover thickly with sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon. Serve hot with wine sauce.

Belgian Lamb Chops.

Just 4 u

Season lamb chops; dredge with flour and fry until brown; keep hot. Fry 1 chopped onion and 1 small carrot
in two tablespoonfuls of butter. Add 1 tablespoonful of flour; stir until light brown. Add 1/2 cup of water; let
boil well; add parsley, a few cloves and
peppercorns, salt and pepper and 1 bay−leaf minced fine. Boil well. Add 1 glass of claret; then pour the sauce
hot over the chops, and garnish with French peas.

Dutch Stewed Fish.

Just 4 u

Cook a large fish with 1 onion, 2 stalks of celery, parsley, a tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper until done.
Remove fish to a platter. Add 2 chopped pickles, the juice and rind of a lemon, 1/2 cup of vinegar. Mash the
yolks of 2 boiled eggs with 1 raw egg, a teaspoonful of prepared mustard and a tablespoonful of butter. Add to
the sauce and boil. Lay the fish in the boiling sauce ten minutes; then serve.

Hungarian Fruit Roll.

Just 4 u

Make a pie−dough. Roll out and spread with melted butter, raisins, currants, chopped apples, nuts and
shredded citron. Cover well with brown sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon and the grated peel of a lemon.
Roll up the dough. Lay in a buttered baking−pan. Rub the top well with melted butter and let bake until
brown. Serve with wine sauce.

Jewish Stewed Brisket.

Just 4 u

Boil beef brisket until tender, and slice thin. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1 chopped onion. Stir in 1
tablespoonful of flour until brown. Add the water in which the meat was cooked, 1/2 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of
vinegar, 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar and some cinnamon and 1 carrot sliced thin, salt, pepper and a few
cloves. Let boil. Add the brisket and simmer fifteen minutes. Serve hot or cold.

Japanese Eggs.

Just 4 u

Cook some rice in a rich chicken stock; place on a platter. Fry 6 eggs and trim neatly; sprinkle with salt, black
pepper, chopped parsley and lemon−juice. Put the eggs on the rice and pour a little hot tomato−sauce over the
base of the platter and serve.

Norwegian Fish Pudding.

Just 4 u

Remove the bones from a large cooked fish and chop to a fine mince. Mix with 2 beaten eggs, 2
tablespoonfuls of cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter, season with salt, black pepper and 1/4 teaspoonful of
paprica. Beat well together with some bread−crumbs; fill a mold with the pudding and let steam one hour;
then boil the sauce in which the fish was cooked, add 1 tablespoonful of butter, chopped parsley and chopped
onion. Season highly; boil and serve with the pudding.

Greek Stuffed Egg−Plant.

Just 4 u

Parboil the egg−plant and cut in half. Scrape out some of the inside and chop some cooked lamb, 2 green
peppers, 1 onion, and 2 tomatoes. Then mix with a beaten egg, 1 tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper to
taste. Fill the halves with the mixture; sprinkle with bread−crumbs and bits of butter. Put in a baking−dish
with a little stock and bake.

Swedish Pie.

Just 4 u

Make a rich pie−dough; line a deep pie−dish with the paste and let bake. Then fill with chopped boiled fish,
oysters, shrimps and some chopped mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt and paprica and the grated peel of a lemon.
Pour over 1/4 cup of melted butter and the juice of 1/2 lemon and a beaten egg. Then cover with the dough
and let bake until done. Serve hot.

Swedish Stewed Mutton.

Just 4 u

Season the breast of mutton with salt, pepper, thyme and mace; let stew slowly with 1 onion and 2 cloves of
garlic chopped. Add some chopped capers and mushrooms; cook until tender. Then thicken the sauce with
flour mixed with a glass of wine and boil up. Serve hot with baked turnips.

French Waffles.

Just 4 u

Sift 3 cups of flour with 1−1/2 teaspoonfuls of baking−powder and 1/2 teaspoonful of salt. Beat the yolks of 3
eggs; add a tablespoonful of melted butter and 2 cups of warm milk. Add the beaten whites and stir in the
flour, making a light batter. Grease the waffle irons and fill with the batter. Bake until a delicate brown.
Remove to a hot dish. Serve hot with powdered sugar on top.

German Sweet Pretzels.

Just 4 u

Mix 1/2 pound of flour with 1/2 pound of fresh butter; add 1/4 pound of sugar, 1 egg and 1 beaten yolk, 1
tablespoonful of sweet cream and some grated lemon peel. Mix thoroughly and mold the dough into small
wreaths; brush the top with the yolk of an egg and sprinkle with powdered sweet almonds. Lay in a
well−buttered baking−tin and bake until a deep yellow.

French Apple Soufflé.

Just 4 u

 Cook apples and sweeten to taste. Mash well with 1 tablespoonful of butter. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs with 2
tablespoonfuls of sugar, the juice and rind of 1/2 lemon; add the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Put in a buttered
pudding−dish and bake in a moderate oven until done.

Italian Roast Beef.

Just 4 u

Cut several deep incisions in the upper round of beef and press into them lardoons of salt pork. Stick 2 cloves
of sliced garlic and 1 dozen cloves in the meat; season with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Put in the
dripping−pan with some hot water and let roast until tender. Serve with boiled macaroni.

Belgian Stuffed Shad.

Just 4 u

Season and stuff the shad with chopped oysters and mushrooms well seasoned. Place in a well−buttered
baking−dish; sprinkle with fine bread−crumbs, chopped onion and parsley. Put flakes of butter on top and
pour in 1 cup of tomato−sauce. Let bake until done. Baste often with the sauce. Serve with celery salad with
French dressing.

Scotch Baked Mutton.

Just 4 u

Season a leg of mutton well with salt and pepper. Dredge with flour and let bake in a hot oven until nearly
done. Then add some boiled turnips cut in quarters; sprinkle with pepper and flour; let bake until browned.
Serve the mutton on a platter with the turnips.

Spanish Stewed Rabbit

Just 4 u

Clean and parboil 2 rabbits; then cut into pieces. Sprinkle with flour and fry in hot lard. Remove the rabbits.
Add chopped tomato and onion to the sauce; mix with flour; let fry; add the sauce in which the rabbit was
cooked, some lemon−juice, 1/2 teaspoonful of red pepper, parsley and salt to taste. Cook ten minutes; then
add the rabbit and simmer five minutes. Serve hot with boiled rice.

Polish Chops.

Just 4 u

Season veal chops with salt and pepper and let fry a few minutes in hot dripping. Remove the chops and cover
with a mixture of bacon, liver, onions and parsley minced fine and well seasoned. Then let bake in the oven
with 1 cup of beef broth. Baste often and serve very hot.

Japanese Salad.

Just 4 u

Cut some celery, apples and truffles into fine shreds and mix with chrysanthemum flowers; season with salt
and pepper. Put in a salad bowl and cover with a mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with chopped hard−boiled
eggs and olives.

Russian Chicken Patties.

Just 4 u

Chop the white meat of cooked chicken and turkey very fine and mix with 3 chopped truffles and some
chopped parsley. Season with the grated peel of 1/2 lemon, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste, and
moisten with cream. Make a puff−paste and roll out very thin. Cut into squares and fill with a tablespoonful of
the mixture. Press the ends together and fry in deep hot lard until a light brown. Drain and serve very hot with

Russian Stewed Duck.

Just 4 u

Clean and cut the duck into pieces and season with salt and pepper; then cut 1/2 pound of bacon into dice
pieces and put in a large saucepan with 1 onion and 2 carrots. Cut fine 1 herb bouquet, a few cloves and a few
peppercorns; add the duck. Let all cook slowly with 1 cup of stock until tender; then add 1 cup of red wine.
Thicken the sauce with flour, boil and serve hot.

Bavarian Cabbage Salad.

Just 4 u

Chop a cabbage with 1 large onion and 2 stalks of celery and 2 peppers; season well with salt and sprinkle
with pepper. Heat some vinegar; add a teaspoonful of prepared mustard. Then beat the yolks of 2 eggs with a
tablespoonful of sugar; add the hot vinegar slowly to the beaten eggs and mix with the cabbage. Serve cold.

Vienna Nut Torte.

Just 4 u

Blanch 1/4 pound of almonds and pound in a mortar. Then beat 4 eggs with 1/2 cup of sugar. Add 1
teaspoonful of brandy and a teaspoonful of wine and lemon−juice; add 4 lady fingers crumbled up fine. Beat
all together with the nuts; put in a well−buttered pudding−dish and bake. Serve with wine sauce.