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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just 4 u

Another "tea-wine-by-stages" recipe from Mr. F. G. Spark,
of 88 Old Winton Road, Andover

Collect 1 ½ pints of tea left over from the teapot into a 1 quart bottle, add 6 oz.
sugar, 4 oz. raisins or sultanas, one saltspoon of dried H.H. yeast, or the equivalent
amount of whatever yeast you are accustomed to using.
When you have collected four bottles as above, place in a gallon jar, add one
ounce of Carraway seeds and the juice of two lemons, or level teaspoonful of citric acid,
fit air lock. Strain after one month, and carry on in the usual manner until fermentation
ceases; then bottle.
This may be drunk in 12 months but is much improved by keeping for two years.
If the wine should cloud up in the bottle do not throw it away as it has this habit,
like plum wine it will become quite clear again after a few weeks.

DRIED BILBERRY WINE (or Elderberry or Sloe)

Just 4 u

½ lb. dried bilberries Yeast nutrient and yeast
4 oz. raisins 2 ½ lb. sugar
1 gallon water. 1 level teaspoon citric acid

Chop the raisins and pour the boiling water over them, the bilberries, and the
sugar. Stir well to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool, then add citric acid, nutrient and yeast.
Keep covered in warm place and stir daily for a week, pushing the fruit down. Strain into
fermenting jar, ferment, rack when clear, and bottle. An excellent dry red table wine, best
made with a Bordeaux or Pommard yeast. For a sweet wine increase sugar to 3 lb. and
use a Burgundy yeast.
N.B.—It is possible to take a second "run" off the discarded fruit by adding
another gallon of boiling water, more sugar, more nutrient and more acid. When it cools,
add some of the first batch of fermenting wine as a starter and ferment for 10 days on the
pulp, and continue as before. A lighter wine will result.


Just 4 u

1 lb. raisins 2 lemons
1 ½ oz. bitter almonds Yeast
3 lb. white sugar Yeast nutrient
1 gallon water

The almonds and raisins should be minced and then boiled gently in the water for
about an hour. Strain, and add enough fresh water to make the quantity up to one gallon
again. Strain the liquor on to the sugar, stirring well to dissolve, then add the juice and
grated rind of the lemons, taking care to include no white pith. Add the yeast and nutrient,
when the temperature has dropped to 70 degrees F. and endeavour to maintain roughly
that temperature for 10 days, keeping the crock closely covered. Then strain the wine
through a nylon sieve into the fermenting bottle and fit a fermentation trap: Leave until it
begins to clear and then rack.


Just 4 u

15 ½ oz. or 16 oz. tin peach slices ½ teaspoon tannin
1 ½ lb. sugar 1 nutrient tablet
½ lb. malt extract Sauternes wine yeast
1 teaspoon citric acid Water to one gallon
1 tablespoon pectic enzyme

The peaches can be bought in slices in either 15 ½ oz. or 16 oz. tins, as halves in
16 oz. tins, or labelled "white peaches" in 16 oz, tins. Wine firms also sell peach pulp.
One 15 ½ oz. or 16 oz. tin of either will make, using the quantities in the recipe, a light
dry table wine, but if a fuller-bodied wine is required use two tins of peaches (roughly 2
lb.)—they are quite cheap—and increase the sugar to 2 ¾ lb. (U.S. 2 ½ lb.), the citric acid
to 2 teaspoons, and the tannin to 1 teaspoon.
Pour any syrup into your fermenting jar, then mash the fruit with a stainless steel
spoon. Boil two quarts of water and dissolve the sugar and malt extract in it, then put pulp
into polythene bucket and pour the boiling syrup over it. Allow to cool to tepid (70 degs.
F) before adding acid, tannin and pectic enzyme. Stir well, cover closely, and leave in a
warm place. Next day stir, pour the whole into the fermenting jar with the syrup from the
can, and add yeast, nutrient, and enough cold water to bring level of must to just below
the shoulder of the jar, leaving room for a "head." Fit air lock and leave in a warm place
for 10 days, shaking jar daily to disperse pulp through liquid. Then strain into fresh jar,
and top up to bottom of neck with syrup. Ferment out, racking and bottling as usual. For a
sweet wine use a 1 lb. 12 oz. tin of pulp and 3 ¼ lb. of sugar.

"INSTANT" WINE by A. S. Henderson

Just 4 u

If you have just started winemaking and want an 8 % wine which is suitable for
table use, quickly—made, rapid to mature, and low-priced, try this "instant wine" recipe

ingredients :
1 medium (pint) tin 1 lb. granulated sugar
grapefruit juice 1 teaspoon yeast nutrient
½ lb. EDME light dried Yeast
malt extract Water to 1 gallon

Dissolve the sugar in up to ½ gallon of water, putting the saucepan over a very
low heat to speed up the solution. Meanwhile dissolve the dried malt extract in a little
cold water, open the tin of fruit juice, and funnel everything into the fermentation jar.
Dissolve the yeast nutrient with a little warm water and add to the jar, top up with cold
water to the shoulder (this should reduce the whole to a safe temperature) and add the
yeast. Shake well, and fit a fermentation lock. Stand in a warm place and watch it go !
Within 24 hours the stream of bubbles should be continuous, not less than 1 per second.
After a day or two, a thick layer will form on the bottom. Give the jar a swirl round daily
to agitate the deposit. When gravity has dropped to 1004, or less (10-14 days), filter. Boil
a little filter pulp for 2 mins. in half a pint of water, place a piece of clean linen in a
funnel and pour the filter pulp on to it, then pour the wine carefully on to the pulp so as
not to disturb it. Return the first few wine glassfuls to the funnel until the filtrate looks
reasonably clear. Repeat the filtration two or three days later, and keep the finished wine a
week in a cool place before drinking. Other fruit juices (except, God forbid, tomato !) can
be used in the same way.


Just 4 u

1 lb. raisins 3 ½ lb. sugar
3 grapefruit Yeast; yeast nutrient
3 lemons 1 gallon water
3 oranges

Firstly peel the fruit (do not squeeze the skins or include any white pith) keeping
the peel as intact as possible so it can be retrieved easily later. Put water into a crock and
add the chopped-up fruit and sugar, stirring thoroughly to dissolve the latter. Then add the
yeast and yeast nutrient, cover closely, and leave in a warm place (about 70 degrees F.)
for a fortnight, stirring daily. At the end of this period take out the peel and, having
strained off the liquor, squeeze out the fruit pulp and add the resultant juice to the bulk.
Put into fermenting jar and fit trap, and leave to ferment out. Siphon it into clean bottles
when it has done so.


Just 4 u

6 large grapefruit 1 gallon water
3 ½ lb. white sugar Yeast and nutrient

Clean the fruit and grate the skins finely. Put the water, gratings and juice into a
bowl, and add the yeast. Stand the bowl in a warm place (70 degrees F. is ideal), cover
closely, and leave for five or six days, stirring thoroughly twice daily. Strain off the liquor
through a nylon sieve, or two or three thicknesses of muslin, and dissolve the sugar in it.
Put into fermenting jar and fit trap. Leave to ferment out, and when this has happened
rack into clean bottles and cork firmly.


Just 4 u

1 lb. barley Yeast, yeast nutrient
1 lb. raisins 1 gallon hot water
1 lb. potatoes The juice of two lemons
3 ½ lb. preserving sugar 1 Campden tablet

Scrub (or peel if old) and chop the potatoes; grind the barley and raisins in a
mincer, having soaked the grain in a pint of the water overnight. Put sugar, barley,
potatoes and raisins in bowl and pour on hot (not necessarily boiling) water.
Add the juice of the lemons. Allow to cool until tepid; add the crushed Campden
tablet, yeast and nutrient. Leave it to stand in covered pan for 10 days, stirring well daily.
Strain, put into fermenting vessel, and fit trap. Siphon off into bottles when clear and no
longer fermenting. Ready after about 6 months.


Just 4 u

2 ½ lb. brown sugar 1 orange
2 lb. dried figs 1 gallon boiling water
½ lb. large raisins Yeast and nutrient
1 lemon ½ oz. root ginger

Chop the figs and raisins and place in a large crock with the sugar, the grated
lemon and orange rinds (no white pith) and the juice of the two fruits. Bruise the ginger
and add that. Bring the water to the boil, and pour it over the ingredients, stirring well to
dissolve the sugar, and adding one crushed Campden tablet. When the liquor has cooled
to about 70 degrees F., cool enough for you to be able to put your finger in it comfortably,
stir in the yeast, cover the crock closely, and leave it in a warm place (about 70 degrees)
for twelve days, stirring daily. After that, strain into fermenting jar or bottle and fit trap,
and move into a temperature of about 65 degrees. After another two months the ferment
will probably have finished; when the wine has cleared, siphon it off into clean bottles. It
is best kept at. least a year from the date of making but can well be sampled within six
months—and no doubt will be!


Just 4 u

1 ½ lb. crushed maize 1 gallon water
3 ½ lb. Demerara sugar 1 lb. raisins
4 sweet oranges 1 lemon

Despite the amount of sugar, this will make a medium wine, and there are many
similar recipes which advocate up to as much as even 4 ½ lb. sugar, so if you prefer a
sweet wine you can well exceed the normal 3 ½ lb. limit in this case. It is a help to soak
the maize overnight in some of the water to soften it, and then, when you come to make
your wine, run it through a coarse mincer, together with the raisins. Peel the lemon and
oranges, being careful to miss the white pith, and put the rinds into a crock with the sugar,
maize, raisins, and the juice of the fruits. Pour over the ingredients the water, which need
be only hot (not boiling) add one crushed Campden tablet, and stir well to dissolve it and
the sugar. Allow the liquor to cool to 70 degrees F., then add the yeast and yeast nutrient
and keep the crock in a warm place, closely covered, for 10 days, stirring well each day.
Then strain into fermenting jar or bottle and fit fermentation trap.


Just 4 u

2 lbs. prunes 1 gallon water
½ lb. raisins Yeast; yeast nutrient
3 ½ lb. sugar 1 Campden tablet

Put the prunes in a crock and cover them with the water, mashing and stirring
them daily for 10 days. Then strain, and either press the pulp or squeeze it by hand to
extract as much juice and flavour as possible. Add the sugar, chopped raisins, and a
crushed Campden tablet, and stir to dissolve. Then add the yeast and yeast nutrient and
leave to ferment in a warm place, as usual, for 10 days. Keep the crock closely covered
and stir daily. Then strain into fermenting jar and fit trap, and move into slightly cooler
place (about 65 degrees). After another two months the secondary ferment should be
finished and when the wine clears it should be racked off into clean bottles.


Just 4 u

8 lbs. large raisins Yeast; yeast nutrient
1 gallon water 1 Campden tablet

Clean the raisins thoroughly by washing them in a colander, then mince through a
coarse mincer. Put them into a fermentation jar with a wide neck, pour on the cold water,
and add one crushed Campden tablet. Keep the jar covered. Two days later add the yeast
and yeast nutrient, and fit a fermentation trap to the jar. Alternatively cover the wide neck
with a sheet of polythene secured by a rubber band, which will serve the same purpose.
Keep the fermentation jar in a warm place (about 70 degrees F.) for a few days, and
afterwards in a temperature of about 65 degrees F. until the ferment has finished. Each
day give the vessel a good shake. When fermentation has finished strain the liquor off the
raisins, which can then easily be removed (hence the need for a wide-necked jar, with a
narrow-necked one it can be a fiddly business). Put into a fresh jar and leave for a further
three months before racking (siphoning the wine off the lees) again and bottling.
By using some sugar one can reduce the amount of raisins required, although the
wine will have nothing like the same body. Here is a recipe, however, using this method:


Just 4 u

2 lb. raisins 1 gallon water
2 lb. sugar Yeast; yeast nutrient

Mince the raisins, put them in the water, and boil for an hour. Strain the liquor on
to the sugar, stir well to dissolve, allow to cool to 70 degrees F. and pour into fermenting
bottle. Add the yeast and yeast nutrient. Keep in a warm place until it begins to clear, then
rack for the first time, into a clean jar, re-fitting trap. When the fermentation ceases
completely siphon into clean bottles and cork.


Just 4 u

Some plants and flowers are so poisonous that they must on no account be used
for winemaking. Others are "doubtful" in that they may not be highly poisonous,
particularly in the small quantities in which they might be employed in winemaking, but
must still be highly suspect. The position is complicated by the fact that some substances
used in winemaking, notably sugar and yeast, can sometimes neutralise poisons, so that
occasionally safe wines may be made from apparently doubtful sources. But one cannot
depend upon this and we would urge winemakers NOT to use anything in the " poisonous
" or " doubtful " categories. Our lists are by no means exhaustive and the only safe rule is:
if in doubt about a material—don't use it.
Those " Not recommended " are so listed because, although we are often asked to
supply recipes using them, they are not suitable winemaking material either because of
fermentative difficulties or because they are not palatable.

POISONOUS : Aconite, alder buckthorn, aquilegia, azalea, baneberry, black

Winemaking Circles

Just 4 u

WINEMAKING as an "organised" hobby is a comparatively new thing, although
wines have been made in these islands for centuries in the cottages of country folk. It was
only in 1953 that the first "Winemakers' Circle" was formed at Andover, closely followed
—quite independently and spontaneously—by others at Welwyn Garden City and
In the few years since, however, the idea has spread with astounding speed, and by
1968 there were well over 400 such clubs, scattered the length and breadth of the British
Isles, and even in Canada; most of them following the original idea and calling
themselves "Circles," some of them adopting the style of "Guilds," and yet others calling
themselves "Societies" or "Associations." The publication of the monthly magazine, The
Amateur Winemaker, from 1958 onwards has done much to consolidate the movement
and publicise the aims of the Circles.
All of them have the same fundamental objective—the improvement of the
standard of country wines—and all of them notably have the same characteristic, a
striking friendliness and informality. The Circles are real centres of friendship and good
fellowship, as well as a means of instruction.
By buying apparatus and sometimes ingredients in bulk they are able to obtain
discounts from many firms and thus can offer their members these goods at favourable
Practical winemaking is learnt pleasantly and in a sociable atmosphere by means
of talks, demonstrations, quizzes, and competitions, and nowadays there are also
inter-club contests. Members learn not only how to make wine, but how to exhibit and
judge it.
On the social side, there are usually Christmas or New Year parties, dinners,
dances, outings to breweries, sugar refineries, glassworks, potteries, wine lodges,
vineyards, and other places of interest to the winemaker.
All in all, members find that joining a Winemakers' Circle is definitely worth
while, and anyone interested in the subject would be well advised to contact the nearest
one, if they are lucky enough to have one in their area.
The list is now too long to be reproduced here, but if you wish to know your
nearest Circle drop a postcard to: The Editor, The Amateur Winemaker, North Croye,
The Avenue, Andover, Hants, who can also advise on how to set about starting a Circle if
none exists in your locality.
The first National Conference and Show—quite a small affair—was held at
Andover in 1959, and others have followed at Bournemouth, Brighton, Harrow,
Cheltenham, Clacton, Harrogate, Bognor and Torquay, and "the National" has now
developed into a mammoth competitive wine show which can attract as many as 3,000
entries. It is allied to a week-end of lectures, discussions and merrymaking which is the
big event of the year for keen winemakers and visitors even come from abroad

Herbs and Flavourings

Just 4 u

A simple and quick method of preparing herb wines of many varieties is by the
use of a standard basic recipe, such as Barley Wine, with the addition of the necessary
herbs or the herb flavour extracted into the water for making the wine by steeping the
dried herbs or boiling the fresh herbs.
Particular attention should be paid to obtaining the maximum extraction of the
flavours and qualities of the herbs. Two ounces of dried herb usually suffice (a standard
proprietary pack costing a few shillings will meet your requirements) and certain herbs
with strong aromatic qualities may be suspended in a linen bag for a few days in the
liquor made from a standard basic recipe. Check from time to time until the strength of
flavour is to your liking. An ordinary barley wine is an excellent base; so is a tea wine.

The herbs powdered or bruised, can be either:

Winemaking Summarised

Just 4 u

Ÿ 1. Extract flavour.
Ÿ 2. Add sugar and yeast and ferment for up to 10 days in a bowl or crock, closely
covered, at about 70 deg. F. (This may be simultaneous with (1) ).
Ÿ 3. Strain off, put into fermentation jar or bottle; fit trap. Fill to bottom of neck.
Temperature: about 60 deg. This fermentation will be much quieter and will
proceed for some weeks.
Ÿ 4. Rack the cleared wine. Repeat this about two months later, and, usually, a third
time after a further month. By then the wine should be quite stable, with no
risk of burst bottles later on.
Ÿ 5. Bottle when the wine is about six months old. Store bottles, on their sides,
preferably in a room of 55 deg. temperature or below.

What Wine is

Just 4 u

TRUE wine is the product of the grape, we are often reminded, but any winemaker of
experience will assure you that we have no cause to feel in any way ashamed of the "country
wines" which can be produced from our native fruits, berries and flowers. Many of these sound
wines, robust or delicate according to character, dry or sweet according to one's taste, are truly
wines in their own right, quite capable of standing comparison with many which can be obtained
commercially. You may find this difficult to believe, but, when you have produced what you
think is a good wine, compare it with a commercial wine of similar type, and we guarantee you

Wine vocabulary

Just 4 u

AEROBIC FERMENTATION: A fermentation conducted in the presence of air. Usually the
first part of the fermentation process.

ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION: A fermentation from which air is excluded; the second part
of the fermentation process.

BODY: The fullness of a wine.

CAMPDEN TABLETS: Useful in winemaking for various sterilisation or purification purposes.
They supply sulphur dioxide in convenient form.

CARBON DIOXIDE: The colourless, odourless gas given off by a fermenting liquor.

DRY: A wine is said to be dry when all the sugar in it has been used up by the fermentation: it is
also said to have "fermented right out"

FERMENTING (or "working"): The process brought about by yeast acting upon sugar to
produce alcohol and carbon dioxide,

FERMENTATION TRAP (or Am LOCK): A little gadget used to protect the fermentation
from Infection by the vinegar fly. Also called a "bubbler."

FINING: Removing suspended solids from a cloudy wine by filtering or adding wine finings.

French Braised Sweetbread.

Just 4 u

 Parboil the sweetbreads; drain. Put in the baking−pan with a piece of salt pork, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 bay−leaf
and a sprig of thyme, all cut fine. Sprinkle with pepper, dredge with flour; add 1/2 cup of stock. Let cook in
the oven until done. Serve with mushrooms.

Hungarian Spice Cakes.

Just 4 u

Sift 1 pound of flour; beat the yolks of 4 eggs with 1 pound of sugar; add 1/2 ounce cinnamon, 1/2 ounce of
ginger, 1/4 teaspoonful of cloves, some grated lemon peel and a pinch of salt. Make all into a dough and roll
into small cakes about an inch in diameter. Put on well−buttered baking−plates, sprinkled with flour, and bake
in a moderate oven until a rich brown. Serve with wine.

German Bread Pudding.

Just 4 u

Crumb a stale loaf of bread to make 2 cupfuls and soak in 1 quart of milk. Beat the yolks of 4 eggs with 1 cup
of powdered sugar; add the bread, a small cup of raisins and the grated peel of a lemon. Mix all well. Put in a
well−buttered pudding−dish and bake until brown. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, sugar and a little
lemon−juice spread on the top. Let get light brown in the oven. Serve with wine sauce.

Irish Mutton Stew.

Just 4 u

Season mutton chops with salt and pepper; put a tablespoonful of hot drippings in a saucepan; add the chops,
some sliced turnips, potatoes and onions, salt and pepper. Then cover with water and cook slowly until tender.
Thicken the sauce with a little flour mixed with 1/2 cup of milk. Season to taste and serve very hot.

French Squirrel Fricassee.

Just 4 u

Cut the squirrels into pieces at the joints; sprinkle well with salt; let lay one hour; then sprinkle with pepper
and lemon−juice. Put 2 large tablespoonfuls of dripping in a pan; when hot, lay in a squirrel with 1 sliced
onion; cover and let brown. Then add 1 cup of tomato−sauce, some celery seed and chopped parsley and 1
cup of hot water. Let simmer until tender. Add 1/2 glass of sherry wine. Let get very hot and serve with
French peas.

Italian Veal and Macaroni.

Just 4 u

Season tender veal cutlets with salt and red pepper and sauté in hot olive−oil; then cover and simmer until
tender. Boil macaroni until tender; drain. Add the macaroni to the veal with 1 cup of stock, and 3
tablespoonfuls of chopped cheese. Let all simmer ten minutes. Put on a platter and cover with bread−crumbs
fried in butter. Serve hot.

Vienna Baked Goose Breast.

Just 4 u

 Take the breast of the goose and cut the meat from the bone; chop fine with some onion, 1 clove of garlic,
parsley and a little thyme, salt, black pepper and paprica. Mix with 2 eggs and fine bread−crumbs. Put the
chopped breast mixture back on the bone. Place in a baking−dish; pour over some dripping; sprinkle with
flour and bake until brown. Serve with sour apple compote.

Hungarian Stewed Pigeons.

Just 4 u

Season the pigeons and stuff with chopped chicken. Let stew slowly with chopped onions, chives, celery and
parsley; add salt and paprica to taste. Cook until tender. Serve hot with beet salad.

Italian Salad.

Just 4 u

Cut 1 pound of cooked veal in very small pieces; add 1 herring that has been soaked in milk, 3 cooked
potatoes, 2 pickles, 3 boiled beets, 3 apples, 2 stalks of celery, 1 cooked carrot. Pour over a mayonnaise
dressing and garnish with sliced hard−boiled eggs, olives and capers.

French Stewed Rabbits.

Just 4 u

Skin and clean the rabbits; cut into pieces at the joints; season well. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of drippings in a
stew−pan; add the rabbits, 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic sliced fine, 1 bay−leaf, 2 sprigs of parsley and
thyme. Let all brown a few minutes; then add 1 cup of hot water and cook slowly until tender. Thicken the
sauce with flour and butter; add a glass of claret; boil up and serve.

English Stuffed Duck.

Just 4 u

Clean and season the duck; then chop the giblets. Add 1 onion, some celery and parsley. Mix with 1 cup of
bread−crumbs and a beaten egg. Season this highly and fill the duck. Put in the dripping−pan with some hot
water, 1/2 glass of sherry and a lump of butter. Sprinkle with flour; bake until done. Serve with apple−sauce.

Jewish Boiled Fish.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a large fish with salt and pepper and let cook with 1 cup of vinegar, 1 large onion, 2 sprigs
of parsley and 2 of thyme, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1/2 cup of raisins, a few cloves, 1 lemon sliced and 1
teaspoonful of prepared mustard. Let cook until done. Remove the fish; add 2 large pickles chopped and 1/4
cup of sugar, and thicken with the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten. Serve hot or cold, garnished with parsley.

Venison a la Parisienne.

Just 4 u

Cut venison into pieces. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1 onion, 1 bay−leaf, 2 sprigs of parsley, and 2 of
thyme, all chopped fine. Add the venison, salt and pepper. Let all fry a few minutes; then add 1 cup of
consommé and let simmer until tender. Add 1/2 glass of sherry and 1/2 can of chopped mushrooms. Let all get
very hot and serve with toasted croutons.

Hungarian Duck.

Just 4 u

Season and roast the duck; then cut into pieces for serving. Chop the giblets; add to the gravy in which the
duck was roasted, with 1 glass of red wine, 1/4 teaspoonful of paprica, a pinch of cloves and the juice of a
lemon. Let boil; add the sliced duck and let simmer until tender. Serve hot; garnish with fried croutons.

Russian Pickled Herring.

Just 4 u

Soak 1 dozen herring over night in water; then mash the milch and roes and mix with 4 tablespoonfuls of
brown sugar. Put the herring in a large dish with 2 large onions sliced; make alternate layers of herring, onions
and sliced lemon, 8 bay−leaves, a few cloves, whole peppers and some mustard seed. Pour over all some
vinegar. Ready to serve in five hours. Will keep for one week. Serve with
boiled potatoes.

French Stuffed Partridge.

Just 4 u

Clean, singe and draw young partridges. Season and stuff each bird with chopped oysters well seasoned, and
sprinkle with parsley. Put a small piece of butter in each bird; place the birds in a baking−pan; cover with thin
slices of bacon; add a little hot water and bake in a hot oven until done. Serve with toast.

German Stewed Fish.

Just 4 u

Clean the fish. Cut into large slices; salt well and sprinkle with black pepper and let stew with sliced onion,
some celery and parsley. Add a few slices of lemon; let cook fifteen minutes to the pound; then mix 1
tablespoonful of flour with 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add to the fish. Let cook five minutes more and serve
hot or cold.

Hungarian Dumplings.

Just 4 u

Mix 2 eggs with 1 tablespoonful of water, a pinch of salt and enough sifted flour to make a stiff dough. Roll
out on a well−floured baking−board as thin as possible. Cut into three−inch squares and fill with the following
mixture: 1 cup of cottage cheese; mix with 1 tablespoonful of butter, 2 beaten eggs, sugar, cinnamon and
nutmeg to taste. Fill the dumplings, press the edges well together. Boil some milk, seasoned with a pinch of
salt and sugar to taste. Lay in the dumplings and boil until done. Serve with the sauce.

Russian Stuffed Tongue.

Just 4 u

Take fresh beef−tongue; make an incision with a sharp knife and fill with chopped onions, bread−crumbs, a
lump of butter, sage, thyme, salt and pepper. Sew up and let boil until nearly done. Remove the skin. Then
stick cloves all over the tongue, and let cook until tender. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar and 1 tablespoonful
of butter. Serve, garnished with sliced beets, olives and sprigs of parsley

Italian Macaroni.

Just 4 u

Boil macaroni in salted water until tender. Drain. Then heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan; add the
macaroni, 1/2 cup of chopped boiled tongue, 1/2 cup of chopped mushrooms, 1/2 cup of grated cheese. Cover,
let get very hot. Then mix a highly seasoned tomato−sauce with a small glass of wine; let boil up and pour
over the macaroni. Serve hot with roast veal.

Venison a la Francaise.

Just 4 u

Season venison steaks with salt, pepper and lemon−juice. Put in a saucepan with 2 tablespoonfuls of hot
butter. Add 1 onion, 2 bay−leaves, 1 clove of garlic and a sprig of parsley minced fine. Let brown; then add
1/2 can of mushrooms, some thyme chopped fine and a glass of claret. Cover and let simmer until tender.
Serve with toasted croutons and currant jelly.

Jewish Stewed Cabbage.

Just 4 u

Shred a red cabbage very fine. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of drippings in a pan; add the cabbage; cover and let
stew with 2 apples, and 1 onion chopped fine. Then brown 1 tablespoonful of flour in hot butter; add 1/2 cup
of water mixed with vinegar. Season with salt, pepper and sugar to taste. Pour the sauce over the cabbage; let
simmer ten minutes. Add 1/2 cup of red wine; let boil up and serve hot.

Bavarian Roast Turkey.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a fat turkey. Stuff with 3 raw potatoes, 2 apples and 1 onion grated. Mix with a lump of
butter and 1 cup of bread−crumbs; add 1 egg. Season with sage, thyme, salt and pepper; then put in a
dripping−pan. Pour in 1 cup of water and dredge with flour. Let bake in a hot oven until done.

English Cream Pudding.

Just 4 u

Line a well−buttered pudding−dish with a rich puff−paste and bake. Then beat 1 cup of butter with 1/2 pound
of pulverized sugar. Add the grated rind and juice of a lemon and beat well with the yolks of 6 eggs; add the
whites beaten to a froth. Fill the pudding−dish with the mixture and bake until done.

Irish Pancakes.

Just 4 u

Mix 1/2 pound of sifted flour with 2 beaten eggs, a pinch of salt, a pint of milk and 1/2 ounce of melted butter.
Mix well to a smooth pancake batter and fry in hot lard to a delicate brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and
serve hot.

English Dumplings.

Just 4 u

Beat 3 yolks of eggs with 1 tablespoonful of sugar; add 1/2 cup of finely chopped suet, 1/2 cup of currants,
1/2 teaspoonful of salt and a little nutmeg. Sift 1 cup of flour with 1 heaping teaspoonful of baking−powder;
mix well with the beaten whites of the eggs. Make into dumplings the size of an egg; let steam. Serve hot with
lemon sauce.

Egyptian Salad.

Just 4 u

Mix highly seasoned cold cooked rice with some grated onion, chopped parsley and chives; add 2 dozen fine
cut French sardines. Put on crisp lettuce leaves in a salad bowl and cover with a mayonnaise dressing Garnish
with thin shreds of red beets, and serve.

Chinese Salad.

Just 4 u

Mix 2 dozen cooked oysters with 3 truffles, and 2 cooked potatoes cut into shreds; season with salt and
pepper. Add all kinds of chopped herbs, and moisten with white wine. Line the salad bowl with crisp lettuce
leaves; fill with the mixture; sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Pour over a mayonnaise dressing and
garnish with
anchovy fillets.

Portugal Soup.

Just 4 u

Boil 2 pounds of beef and 2 pig's feet in 4 quarts of water; season with salt and pepper. Let boil well. Add 1
head of lettuce, 1/2 head of cabbage, a few thin slices of pumpkin, 2 carrots and 1 clove of garlic, all cut fine,
and 1 herb bouquet. Let all cook until tender; then add 1/2 can of peas. Remove the meat; cut into thin slices;
season, and serve with the soup.

Swedish Rice Pudding.

Just 4 u

Mix 3/4 cup of rice in 1 quart of milk; add 1 cup of sugar, a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour
into a pudding−dish. Put bits of butter over the top and let bake in a moderate oven until done. Serve cold.

English Plum Pudding.

Just 4 u

Soak 1 pound of stale bread in hot milk; then add 1/2 pound of sugar, 1 pound of seeded raisins, and 1 pound
of currants all dredged with flour, 1/4 pound of chopped citron, 1 pound of finely chopped beef suet, 1 nutmeg
grated, 1 tablespoonful of cinnamon, cloves and mace mixed together, a pinch of salt, 1 glass of wine and 1
glass of fine brandy. Mix with the yolks of 8 eggs and the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the mixture into
a wet cloth dredged with flour; tie well and let boil five hours. Serve with wine sauce.