Just 4 u
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pudding Last
Just 4 u
Reserve half a cupful of milk from a quart and put the remainder on
the stove in a double boiler. Mix four large tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch and a teaspoonful of salt with the half cupful of milk;
then stir the mixture into the boiling milk and beat well for two
minutes. Cover the boiler and cook the pudding for twelve minutes;
then pour it into a pudding-dish and set in a cool place for half an
hour. When the time for serving comes, make a sauce in this manner:
Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff, dry froth, and beat into this
two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. As soon as the sugar has been
well mixed with the whites, add half of a large tumbler of currant
jelly, or any other bright jelly, or any kind of preserved fruit may
be used. If you prefer, serve sugar and cream with the pudding instead
of a sauce.
Bring one pint of milk to the boiling point; pour it gradually on
one-half cup of Indian meal, stirring all the while to prevent lumps.
When cool add three eggs well beaten, and one tablespoon of flour,
one-half cup of sugar, one-half teaspoon of ginger, one teaspoon of
cinnamon, pinch of salt and one pint cold milk. Pour into battered
pudding dish and bake an hour and a half. Serve with hot maple sugar or
Crumble a pound of sponge cakes, an equal quantity, or less if
preferred, of cocoanut, grated in a basin. Pour over two pints of rich
cream previously sweetened with a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar and
brought to the boiling point. Cover the basin and when the cream is
soaked up stir in it eight well-beaten eggs. Butter a mold, arrange
four or five ounces of preserved ginger around it, pour in the pudding
carefully and tie it down with a cloth. Steam or boil slowly for an
hour and a half; serve with the syrup from the ginger, which should be
warmed and poured over the pudding.
Take three quarts of new milk, put to it a little erning, as much as
will break it when it is scumm'd break it down with your hand, and when
it is drained grind it with a mustard ball in a bowl, or beat it in a
marble-mortar; then take half a pound of butter and six eggs, leaving
out three of the whites; beat the eggs well, and put them into the
curds and butter, grate in half a nutmeg, a little lemon-peel shred
fine, and salt, sweeten it to your taste, beat them all together, and
bake them in little petty-pans with fast bottoms; a quarter of an hour
will bake them; you must butter the tins very well before you put them
in; when you dish them up you must lay them the wrong side upwards on
the dish, and stick them with either blanch'd almonds, candid orange,
or citron cut in long bits, and grate a little loaf sugar over them.
Stone and pick some fine cherries, put them into a buttered mould,
and pour over them a fine batter well sweetened, tie over the mould
closely, and boil one hour and a half; serve with sweet sauce. This
is a delicious pudding; plums or damsons are sometimes used instead of
Reserve half a cupful of milk from a quart and put the remainder on
the stove in a double boiler. Mix four large tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch and a teaspoonful of salt with the half cupful of milk;
then stir the mixture into the boiling milk and beat well for two
minutes. Cover the boiler and cook the pudding for twelve minutes;
then pour it into a pudding-dish and set in a cool place for half an
hour. When the time for serving comes, make a sauce in this manner:
Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff, dry froth, and beat into this
two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. As soon as the sugar has been
well mixed with the whites, add half of a large tumbler of currant
jelly, or any other bright jelly, or any kind of preserved fruit may
be used. If you prefer, serve sugar and cream with the pudding instead
of a sauce.
Bring one pint of milk to the boiling point; pour it gradually on
one-half cup of Indian meal, stirring all the while to prevent lumps.
When cool add three eggs well beaten, and one tablespoon of flour,
one-half cup of sugar, one-half teaspoon of ginger, one teaspoon of
cinnamon, pinch of salt and one pint cold milk. Pour into battered
pudding dish and bake an hour and a half. Serve with hot maple sugar or
Crumble a pound of sponge cakes, an equal quantity, or less if
preferred, of cocoanut, grated in a basin. Pour over two pints of rich
cream previously sweetened with a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar and
brought to the boiling point. Cover the basin and when the cream is
soaked up stir in it eight well-beaten eggs. Butter a mold, arrange
four or five ounces of preserved ginger around it, pour in the pudding
carefully and tie it down with a cloth. Steam or boil slowly for an
hour and a half; serve with the syrup from the ginger, which should be
warmed and poured over the pudding.
Take three quarts of new milk, put to it a little erning, as much as
will break it when it is scumm'd break it down with your hand, and when
it is drained grind it with a mustard ball in a bowl, or beat it in a
marble-mortar; then take half a pound of butter and six eggs, leaving
out three of the whites; beat the eggs well, and put them into the
curds and butter, grate in half a nutmeg, a little lemon-peel shred
fine, and salt, sweeten it to your taste, beat them all together, and
bake them in little petty-pans with fast bottoms; a quarter of an hour
will bake them; you must butter the tins very well before you put them
in; when you dish them up you must lay them the wrong side upwards on
the dish, and stick them with either blanch'd almonds, candid orange,
or citron cut in long bits, and grate a little loaf sugar over them.
Stone and pick some fine cherries, put them into a buttered mould,
and pour over them a fine batter well sweetened, tie over the mould
closely, and boil one hour and a half; serve with sweet sauce. This
is a delicious pudding; plums or damsons are sometimes used instead of
Pudding One
Just 4 u
Take one pound of almonds, blanch'd and beat fine, one pint of cream,
the yolks of twelve eggs, two ounces of grated bread, half a pound of
suet, marrow, or melted butter, three quarters of a pound of fine
sugar, a little lemon-peel and cinnamon; bake it in a slow oven, in a
dish, or little tins. The above are very good put in skins.
4 eggs, 3 oz. of castor sugar, 4 oz. of ground sweet almonds, 1/2 oz.
of ground bitter almonds. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff
froth, mix them lightly with the well-beaten yolks, add the other
ingredients gradually. Have ready a well-buttered pie-dish, pour the
mixture in (not filling the dish more than three-quarters full), and
bake in a moderately hot oven until a knitting needle pushed through
comes out clean. Turn the pudding out and serve cold.
Beat the yolks of four eggs very light with one-half cup of sugar; then
add one-half cup of grated walnuts or almonds, one-half cup of grated
white bread crumbs, then the stiffly-beaten whites of four eggs. Put in
pudding form and steam from one and one-half to two hours. Serve with
wine or fruit sauce.
Take one pound of almonds, blanch'd and beat fine, one pint of cream,
the yolks of twelve eggs, two ounces of grated bread, half a pound of
suet, marrow, or melted butter, three quarters of a pound of fine
sugar, a little lemon-peel and cinnamon; bake it in a slow oven, in a
dish, or little tins. The above are very good put in skins.
4 eggs, 3 oz. of castor sugar, 4 oz. of ground sweet almonds, 1/2 oz.
of ground bitter almonds. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff
froth, mix them lightly with the well-beaten yolks, add the other
ingredients gradually. Have ready a well-buttered pie-dish, pour the
mixture in (not filling the dish more than three-quarters full), and
bake in a moderately hot oven until a knitting needle pushed through
comes out clean. Turn the pudding out and serve cold.
Beat the yolks of four eggs very light with one-half cup of sugar; then
add one-half cup of grated walnuts or almonds, one-half cup of grated
white bread crumbs, then the stiffly-beaten whites of four eggs. Put in
pudding form and steam from one and one-half to two hours. Serve with
wine or fruit sauce.
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