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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spanish Baked Fish.

Just 4 u

Season a pike; put in a baking−pan. Pour over two ounces of melted butter and 1 pint of sour cream; then let
bake in a hot oven for twenty minutes. Sprinkle with bread−crumbs and grated cheese and let brown on top.
Serve hot. Garnish with parsley.

Oriental Rabbit Pie.

Just 4 u

Clean and cut a rabbit into small pieces and let stew, well seasoned with salt and pepper and cayenne. Add 2
chopped cloves of garlic, 1 chopped green pepper, 1 Spanish onion sliced thin and 2 sliced tomatoes, a pinch
of cloves and allspice. Then line a pie−dish with a puff paste; let bake and fill with the rabbit; add 2 chopped
hard−boiled eggs and sprinkle with curry−powder. Cover with the paste; brush the top with a beaten egg and
let bake until brown. Serve hot.

Swedish Salad.

Just 4 u

Cut cold cooked fish into small pieces and mix with chopped hard−boiled eggs, a few sliced olives, capers
and gherkins. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Line the salad bowl with crisp lettuce leaves; add the salad and
cover with a mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with aspic, cut into dice pieces and serve cold.

Milanese Vegetable Soup

Just 4 u

Cut bacon and ham into small pieces; put in a saucepan with 1 tablespoonful of hot butter. Add all kinds of
vegetables, cut into very small pieces and let fry a few minutes. Then fill the pan with 1 quart of beef stock;
let all cook slowly for half an hour; add some boiled rice and 1 cup of tomato−sauce and cook until done.
Serve hot.

Chicken a la Bechamel.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a fat hen. Put a few slices of chopped bacon in a saucepan; let get hot. Add the chicken with
1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 stalks of celery chopped fine, 1 herb bouquet, 1 bay leaf, a few cloves and allspice and 2
blades of mace, 2 sprigs of parsley and 1 cup of hot water. Let all stew until tender; then add some chopped
mushrooms and pour over all 1 cup of hot rich cream.

Oysters a la Toulonaise.

Just 4 u

Drain large oysters; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Try out a few slices of bacon in a frying−pan; remove the
bacon. Roll the oysters in fine bread−crumbs and sauté until brown on both sides. Place on hot buttered toast;
sprinkle with lemon−juice and garnish with olives.

Vienna Roast Beef.

Just 4 u

 Season a rib−roast of beef with salt, pepper and ginger and rub with vinegar. Put in the dripping−pan with 1
sliced onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 carrots, 2 stalks of celery cut fine, 1 bay−leaf and a few cloves and
peppercorns. Pour over 1 cup of stock and dredge with flour. Let bake in a quick oven; allow fifteen minutes
to the pound. Serve with potato dumplings.

Belgian Broiled Quail.

Just 4 u

Select fat quails. Rub with salt, pepper and butter and tie a very thin strip of bacon around the body of each
quail. Place on a broiler over a slow fire; let broil twenty minutes until done. Remove the bacon. Have ready
buttered toast. Place the birds on the toast, pour over some melted butter, chopped parsley and lemon−juice.
Serve hot.

French Venison Pie.

Just 4 u

Cut venison in very small pieces and stew, highly seasoned, until tender. Line a deep pie−dish with a rich
pie−paste and bake. Then fill with the venison. Add a glass of port wine, a pinch of cloves and mace to the
sauce and bits of butter rolled in flour. Pour the sauce over the venison and cover with the paste. Rub the top
with a beaten egg and let bake until done.

Jewish Goose Greeben.

Just 4 u

Cut all the fat from the goose into small pieces and cook in a skillet with 1 cup of cold water. Let cook
uncovered until the water has evaporated; then fry until brown. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot.

Chicken Croquettes a la Reine.

Just 4 u

Chop cold cooked chicken with some mushrooms, parsley and thyme and season with salt, black pepper and
cayenne. Add a tablespoonful of butter and 2 well−beaten eggs. Then form into croquettes. Dip in beaten egg
and fine bread−crumbs and fry in deep hot lard to a golden brown. Make a cream sauce and serve with the
croquettes. Garnish with parsley.

Bavarian Sauerkraut.

Just 4 u

Cook 2 pounds of fresh pork; season with salt and pepper; add 2 bay−leaves and a few cloves. When half
done, add 1 quart of sauerkraut and let cook one hour. Add 1 cup of wine and 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar.
Let all cook until tender. Serve with potato dumplings.

Vienna Dumplings.

Just 4 u

Mix 2 eggs and 1/2 cup of water, a pinch of salt and enough flour to make a stiff batter. Then drop by the
tablespoonful into boiling salted water until they rise to the surface. Remove to a platter and fry some onions
in hot butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour over the dumplings.

Polish Rice Pudding.

Just 4 u

Heat 1 quart of milk; add 1 cup of boiled rice, 3 ounces of seeded raisins and 2 ounces of currants. Let cook
ten minutes. Then add the grated peel of a lemon, 1/4 of a grated nutmeg and the yolks of 6 eggs well beaten
with 1 cup of sugar. Mix thoroughly and pour into a well−buttered pudding−dish; let bake until done. Then
beat the whites to a stiff froth with 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar; flavor with vanilla. Spread on the
pudding and let brown slightly in a hot oven. Serve with lemon sauce.

Jewish Stewed Goose.

Just 4 u

Clean and cut a fat goose into pieces; season with salt, pepper and ginger. Put in a stew−pan with 1 sliced
onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bay−leaf, thyme and a few peppercorns; add the juice of a lemon. Cover with hot
water and let cook until tender. Thicken with flour and serve hot with apple−sauce.

Halibut a la Toulonaise

Just 4 u

Slice the fish; season highly with salt, pepper, cloves, lemon−juice and parsley. Then roll in flour and fry in
hot olive−oil until brown. Garnish with lemon slices and parsley. Serve with a lettuce salad with French

Spanish Codfish.

Just 4 u

Parboil 1 cup of shredded codfish; heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1 chopped onion and 2 cups of
tomatoes; let fry. Add 1
tablespoonful of flour; stir until thickened. Then add 1 cup of water, pepper and chopped parsley; let boil well;
add the codfish. Let simmer one−half hour. Serve on buttered toast.

Belgian Sweet Potato Purée

Just 4 u

Boil 4 sweet potatoes until soft. Mash until smooth with 1
tablespoonful of butter, 2 beaten eggs, 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar, 1/4 teaspoonful of cinnamon and 1/4
cup of milk. Beat well. Put in a buttered pudding−dish; pour over some melted butter; let bake until brown.
Serve hot with broiled steak.

Polish Poached Eggs.

Just 4 u

Boil 1/2 cup of vinegar with one cup of water and break in fresh eggs one at a time and poach them. Remove
to a platter; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Then add 1 tablespoonful of butter and 1 tablespoonful of sugar to
the sauce; let boil up and pour over the eggs. Serve on buttered toast.

Dutch Rice Pudding.

Just 4 u

 Mix 1 cup of rice in 2 cups of milk; add 1 tablespoonful of butter, the yolks of 4 eggs, the juice of 1/2 lemon,
1 cup of sugar and nutmeg to taste, 1/2 cup of chopped raisins, 1/2 cup of nuts and the whites of the eggs
beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a well−buttered pudding−dish until done. Serve cold.

English Layer Cake.

Just 4 u

Bake 3 layers of sponge−cake; then mix some jelly with wine and spread between the layers and over the top
and sides. Cover with a rich chocolate icing, flavored with vanilla.

German Spiced Rabbit.

Just 4 u

Clean and cut the rabbit into pieces; sprinkle with salt, ginger, black pepper and paprica and pour over some
vinegar. Heat 1 tablespoonful of dripping; add the slices of rabbit and 1 sliced onion, 2 bay−leaves, a few
peppercorns, 2 sprigs of parsley, thyme and a little mace. Cover with hot water and let stew slowly until
tender. Thicken the sauce with butter mixed with flour. Let cook and serve hot with apple compote.

Spanish Fried Fish.

Just 4 u

Season and slice red fish; roll in flour and fry until brown. Then heat 1 tablespoonful of butter; add 1 chopped
onion and 1 cup of tomatoes; let fry; add 1 tablespoonful of flour and 1 cup of water; also some parsley, salt,
pepper and 1 bay−leaf chopped fine. Let all cook; then add the slices of fried fish. Let all get very hot and
serve with boiled rice.

Swedish Cabbage.

Just 4 u

Shred a cabbage very thin; sprinkle with salt and cook in as little water as possible until tender. Then add
some milk and let boil. Add a tablespoonful of butter mixed with flour, some mace and white pepper to taste.
Let boil up and serve hot.

Hungarian Stuffed Goose Neck.

Just 4 u

Remove the skin from the neck of a fat goose and stuff with some soaked bread, fried with 1 small chopped
onion in a tablespoonful of goose−dripping. Add chopped parsley, salt, paprica and ginger and mix with 1
egg. Lay in a baking−pan with a little hot water and bake until brown. Serve hot with red cabbage cooked
with wine.

English Pigeon Pie.

Just 4 u

Clean and season some young pigeons. Stuff each with chopped oysters and bits of butter and let stew until
tender with 1 onion, 2 sprigs of parsley and 1 bay−leaf. Then line a deep pie−dish with a rich paste; let bake
and fill with the stuffed pigeons. Add the sauce; cover with the paste and let bake until brown. Serve hot.

Spanish Tongue.

Just 4 u

Boil a beef tongue until tender; take off the outer skin. Then rub with butter and the beaten yolk of an egg; put
in a baking−dish. Add 1/2 cup of the water in which the tongue was cooked, 1/2 glass of wine and 1/2 can of
mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and let bake until brown. Serve garnished with the mushrooms.

Hindu Venison.

Just 4 u

Cook some venison, well seasoned, until tender and slice thin. Peel and slice 2 apples and 1 Spanish onion;
season and fry until a light brown. Add 1 cooked carrot sliced thin, some savory herbs, and 1 cup of mutton
broth; cover and let cook fifteen minutes. Then mix 1/2 ounce of butter with 1/2 tablespoonful of
curry−powder and 1 tablespoonful of lemon−juice; add to the sauce with the sliced venison; cover and let
simmer ten minutes; then add 1 tablespoonful of currant jelly. Let get very hot and serve, garnished with fried
croutons and sliced lemon.

Japanese Chicken.

Just 4 u

Cut 2 spring chickens into pieces at the joints; season with salt, ginger, pepper and curry−powder and let fry
in hot olive−oil until brown. Remove the chicken; add 1/4 cup of chopped leeks, 1/2 pint of Japanese sauce,
1/2 cup of chrysanthemum flowers, 2 chopped red peppers, some bamboo sprouts shaved thin and 1/2 cup of
water. Cover and let cook ten minutes. Add the chicken to the sauce with 1 cup of cocoanut juice. Let all
simmer until the chicken is tender. Serve on a platter with a border of cooked rice and garnish with fried

Swiss Fried Sweetbreads.

Just 4 u

Blanch the sweetbreads and sprinkle with salt and pepper; then cut into thin slices. Dip in beaten egg and roll
in grated Swiss cheese and fine bread−crumbs and fry in a little hot butter to a golden brown. Serve hot,
garnished with parsley.

Irish Flummery.

Just 4 u

Take 1 pint of oatmeal; pour on enough cold water to cover; let stand over night; strain and boil with a pinch
of salt until thickened. Then add 1 cup of cooked small fruit, a lump of butter and sugar to taste. Let get cold
and serve with cream.

Bread Pudding a la Caramel.

Just 4 u

Mix 1 pint of soft bread−crumbs with 1/2 cup of seeded raisins, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar and 2 eggs. Stir in 1
cup of milk and bake in a well−buttered pudding−dish until brown. Then boil 1−1/2 cups of brown sugar with
1/2 cup of milk and 4 tablespoonfuls of chocolate. Stir until smooth and spread hot over the pudding.

India Beef Curry.

Just 4 u

 Cut 2 pounds of beefsteak into inch pieces. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and fry until brown. Add 1
onion chopped fine and 1 tablespoonful of vinegar. Cover and let simmer with 1 tablespoonful of
curry−powder and 1/2 cup of hot water until meat is tender. Thicken the sauce with flour and butter. Serve on
a platter with a border of cooked rice sprinkled with chopped parsley and garnished with fried apple slices.

French Stewed Quail.

Just 4 u

Stuff the quail. Put 1 tablespoonful of butter in a large stew−pan; add some thin slices of bacon. Let get very
hot. Lay in the birds; sprinkle with salt and pepper; add 1 small onion and 1 carrot chopped fine. Cover and let
brown a few minutes, then add 1 cup of hot water. Let stew slowly until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour
mixed with milk; add some chopped parsley; let boil up and serve hot.

Hungarian Baked Herring.

Just 4 u

Bone the herring and cut into small pieces. Slice some cooked potatoes; then butter a baking−dish; sprinkle
with flour. Put a layer of potatoes, some chopped onion and herring and bits of butter until dish is full;
sprinkle with pepper. Make the top layer of potatoes and bits of butter. Moisten with 3 tablespoonfuls of sour
cream. Bake in a moderate oven until brown. Serve hot.

Bavarian Stuffed Chicken.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a fat hen. Chop the giblets; add some truffles, a chopped onion, parsley, bread−crumbs, a
beaten egg, salt, black pepper and paprica to taste. Then fill the chicken; heat some dripping in a large
saucepan; lay in the chicken, cover, and cook slowly with 1 cup of hot water until tender.

Neapolitan Salad

Just 4 u

Cut cold chicken or turkey in small dice pieces; add some cold potatoes, beets and celery, cut fine; sprinkle
with chopped hard−boiled eggs, salt and pepper. Line the salad bowl with lettuce leaves; add the salad. Cover
with a French mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with capers and beets.

German Stuffed Turkey.

Just 4 u

Singe and clean a fat turkey. Season well with salt and pepper. Chop the giblets; add some chopped veal and
pork, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic and parsley chopped, salt and pepper. Mix with 2 eggs and stuff the turkey.
Put in the dripping−pan with some hot water. Dredge with flour; let bake until done. Baste often with the
sauce. Serve the turkey with the dressing. Garnish with boiled beets sliced thin.

Jewish Stewed Sweetbreads.

Just 4 u

Clean and parboil the sweetbreads; then fry 1 small sliced onion in hot fat until light brown. Stir in 1
tablespoonful of flour; add 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of wine vinegar; let boil up. Add 1 bay−leaf, a few
cloves, 1/4 cup of seeded raisins, a few thin slices of lemon and chopped parsley. Season with salt and paprica
to taste; add 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar. Let boil; add the sweetbreads and simmer until done. Serve cold.

Swedish Baked Fish.

Just 4 u 

Clean and season a trout with salt, black pepper and cayenne. Lay in a baking−pan; dredge with flour;
sprinkle with parsley and bits of butter; add a little water and vinegar. Let bake in a hot oven. Baste often with
butter until done. Garnish with parsley and serve hot with cream sauce.

French Turkey Soup.

Just 4 u

Cut off all the meat from left−over turkey bones. Put the bones in cold water and boil with 1 small onion, 1
carrot, 2 pieces of celery and 2 sprigs of parsley, all cut fine. Add 1 cup of tomato−sauce. Let all cook well,
seasoned with salt and pepper. Remove the bones; add boiled rice and the turkey meat cut into dice pieces. Let
boil and serve hot with fried croutons.

Swiss Roast Turkey.

Just 4 u

Clean and season the turkey with salt and pepper. Then fill with 2 cups of bread−crumbs mixed with a lump
of butter, some chopped onion and thyme, salt and pepper to taste, 1/2 cup of seeded raisins and 1/2 cup of
nuts. Mix all well with 2 beaten eggs. Put turkey in dripping−pan and let bake a rich brown. Baste often with
the dripping until tender. Serve with dressing.

Dutch Stuffed Goose.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a goose and stuff with oysters well seasoned with salt, pepper, parsley, thyme and bits of
butter rolled in fine bread−crumbs. Put in a baking−dish. Pour over the oyster liquor and a little hot water; let
bake until done. Baste as often as necessary. Serve with red currant jelly.

Italian Baked Fish.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a blue fish with salt, pepper and cloves. Lay the fish in a baking−pan with 1 onion chopped
fine and 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped carrot and parsley. Pour over 1 glass of wine; sprinkle with flour. Put
flakes of butter over the fish and let bake until brown. Serve with macaroni.

Eels a la Poulette.

Just 4 u

Clean and skin the eels; let boil with salt, pepper and vinegar. Then cut into three−inch pieces. Heat 2
tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1 onion chopped; stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour until brown; add 1 cup of water,
salt, pepper, 1 bay−leaf, some parsley and thyme. Let boil well; add the eels and 1 glass of wine. Boil ten
minutes longer; thicken the sauce with the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten and seasoned with lemon−juice. Serve
with fried croutons.

Polish Filled Fish.

Just 4 u

Clean the fish; cut open along the backbone. Remove all the fish from the skin and bone from head to tail and
chop fine. Fry 1 onion in butter; add some soaked bread. Take from the fire and mix with the chopped fish.
Add 2 eggs and chopped parsley; season highly with salt and pepper, a pinch of cloves and nutmeg. Fill the
skin of the fish with the mixture and boil with sliced onions, a few lemon slices, some parsley and a
tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper, until done. Serve hot or cold.

Swedish Stewed Chicken.

Just 4 u

Cut a spring chicken in pieces at the joints; season with salt and pepper and sauté in hot butter. Add 2 cups of
cream sauce, 1/2 cup of boiled rice, some chopped parsley and bits of butter. Let stew slowly until the chicken
is very tender. Serve hot.

Austrian Baked Eggs.

Just 4 u

Poach fresh eggs one at a time; then put in a well−buttered baking−dish; sprinkle with salt, pepper, bits of
butter and grated cheese. Pour over the top 1/2 cup of cream sauce and cover with fine bread−crumbs. Set in
the oven to brown and serve hot with

French Lettuce Salad.

Just 4 u

Take the inner lettuce leaves; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix the yolks of 2 hard−boiled eggs with 1
tablespoonful of olive−oil and stir all together with 2 tablespoonfuls of white wine vinegar. Serve at once with

Dutch Rice Fritters.

Just 4 u

Take 1 cup of boiled rice and mix with 3 beaten eggs. Then sift 1/2 cup of flour with 1 teaspoonful of
baking−powder and a pinch of salt. Add some sugar to taste. Beat to a light thick batter and fry a spoonful at a
time in boiling lard. Sprinkle with pulverized sugar and serve hot with cooked fruit.

German Waffles.

Just 4 u

Mix 1/4 pound of butter with 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Add the yolks of 5 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 pound of
sifted flour with 2 teaspoonfuls of baking−powder, a pinch of salt and the grated peel of a lemon. Mix well;
add the whites beaten stiff and bake in a well greased waffle iron. Sprinkle with pulverized sugar and serve

French Fritters.

Just 4 u

Boil 1 quart of water; add 1 teaspoonful of salt, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; then stir in enough sifted flour until
thick and smooth. When cold, stir in 5 beaten eggs, sugar and a little nutmeg to taste. Fry in deep hot lard to a
golden brown. Serve with wine sauce.

Swiss Biscuits.

Just 4 u

Beat the yolks of 2 eggs with 1/4 pound of butter; add a pinch of salt and pepper, a teaspoonful of mustard and
5 ounces of grated Swiss cheese. Mix well with 1/4 pound of flour or enough to make a stiff dough; roll out
and cut into round biscuits. Bake in a moderate oven for twenty minutes, and serve.

Belgian Chicken.

Just 4 u

Cut a cooked chicken into pieces; add some slices of cold veal. Heat 1 cup of stock; add 1/4 teaspoonful of
mustard, 1/2 teaspoonful of paprica, a pinch of white pepper and salt to taste. Add the chicken and 1 glass of
sherry wine. Let all cook ten minutes. Add 3 tablespoonfuls of currant jelly. Serve hot with toasted croutons

Swiss Creamed Potatoes.

Just 4 u

Boil potatoes until tender and slice them thin. Heat two ounces of butter; add a dessert−spoonful of flour.
Then stir in some rich milk until it thickens; add the potatoes, salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Let boil up;
add a little hot cream and serve at once.

Japanese Fish.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a large white fish with salt and paprica and let boil with 4 sliced shallots and 1 clove of
garlic mashed fine. When nearly done, add 1 tablespoonful of butter, 2 sprigs of parsley chopped fine, 1
tablespoonful of soy, 1 tablespoonful each of tarragon and Worcestershire sauce. Let cook until done. Place
on a platter. Garnish with fried parsley and serve with boiled rice.

English Buns.

Just 4 u

Set a sponge over night with 1 cake of compressed yeast dissolved in a cup of warm water, 3 cups of milk and
flour enough to make a thick batter. Then add 1/2 cup of melted butter, 1 cup of sugar, a salt−spoonful of salt,
1/2 teaspoonful of soda, 1/2 nutmeg grated and flour enough to make a stiff dough. Let raise five hours; then
roll out half an inch thick and cut into round cakes. Lay in a
well−buttered baking−pan. Let stand half an hour; then bake until a light brown. Brush the top with white of
egg beaten with
pulverized sugar.

Russian National Soup.

Just 4 u

Chop and fry all kinds of vegetables until tender. Make a
highly−seasoned beef broth; add the fried vegetables, 2 boiled beets chopped fine, some chopped ham, 1/4
teaspoonful of fennel seed, 2 sprigs of parsley chopped. Let boil well; then add 1 cup of hot cream and serve
at once.

Chinese Chop Suey.

Just 4 u

Cut 2 pounds of fresh pork into thin strips and let fry ten minutes. Add 1 large onion sliced thin and let fry;
then add 1 cup of sliced mushrooms, 2 stalks of celery cut fine, 1/4 cup of Chinese sauce and a pinch of
pepper; moisten with 1/2 cup of hot water. Cover and let simmer until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour
moistened with a little milk and let boil. Put some well−seasoned cooked rice on a platter, pour over the chop
suey and serve very hot.

Swedish Batter Cakes.

Just 4 u

Sift 1 pint of flour. Add a salt−spoonful of salt, 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little milk, the yolks of 6
eggs and the whites beaten to a stiff froth and enough milk to make a thin batter. Then bake on a hot greased
griddle until done. Serve hot.

Oriental Pudding.

Just 4 u

Heat 1 large cup of milk and stir in 3 tablespoonfuls of butter; let boil up. Then stir in 1 small cup of flour
sifted with 1 teaspoonful of baking−powder and a pinch of salt; stir until a smooth batter. Then remove from
the fire and stir in 4 well−beaten eggs, 1/2 cup of preserved ginger minced fine and 2 tablespoonfuls of the
syrup; mix thoroughly. Put into a well−buttered mold and let steam two hours. Serve hot with wine sauce.