FoodFoodFoodFoodDrinkIce CreamIce CreamCandy

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just 4 u

1 lb. raisins 3 ½ lb. sugar
3 grapefruit Yeast; yeast nutrient
3 lemons 1 gallon water
3 oranges

Firstly peel the fruit (do not squeeze the skins or include any white pith) keeping
the peel as intact as possible so it can be retrieved easily later. Put water into a crock and
add the chopped-up fruit and sugar, stirring thoroughly to dissolve the latter. Then add the
yeast and yeast nutrient, cover closely, and leave in a warm place (about 70 degrees F.)
for a fortnight, stirring daily. At the end of this period take out the peel and, having
strained off the liquor, squeeze out the fruit pulp and add the resultant juice to the bulk.
Put into fermenting jar and fit trap, and leave to ferment out. Siphon it into clean bottles
when it has done so.

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