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Monday, September 13, 2010

Polish Stewed Calves' Feet.

Just 4 u

Boil the calves' feet in salted water until tender; then take out the bones. Fry 1 chopped onion in butter; stir in
1 tablespoonful of flour; add 1 cup of stock. Let boil with 1 bay−leaf, some parsley chopped fine and 1/4 cup
of vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Then add the feet and let simmer ten minutes. Stir in the yolks of an egg
and serve hot.

Scotch Stewed Tripe.

Just 4 u

Clean and boil tripe until tender; then fry 1 chopped carrot and 1 onion until light brown. Stir in 1
tablespoonful of flour; add 1 cup of stock, 1 bay−leaf, some thyme and parsley; let boil. Season with salt,
pepper and lemon−juice. Cut the tripe into narrow strips; add to the sauce. Let simmer one−half hour and

Vienna Filled Apples.

Just 4 u

Remove the core and scrape out the inside of the apples. Mix the scraped apple with chopped raisins, nuts,
cinnamon, sugar and grated lemon peel. Fill the apples; place in a stew−pan. Mix 1/2 cup of wine with 1/2 cup
of water. Sweeten with 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar and pour over the apples. Let cook slowly until the apples
are tender. Remove from the fire; put on a glass dish. Pour over the sauce and serve cold.

French Apple Pie.

Just 4 u

Line a deep pie−dish with a rich pie−crust. Chop 4 apples very fine and mix with sugar, cinnamon,
lemon−juice and 1/2 cup of currants. Then mix with the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten. Fill the pie and bake until
done. Beat the whites with pulverized sugar and spread on the pie. Let get light brown on top.

Swedish Stewed Veal.

Just 4 u

Season 3 pounds of veal. Lay some sliced bacon in a saucepan; let get hot; add the veal. Cover and let brown
with 2 sliced onions, 2 carrots and an herb bouquet, 1 bay−leaf and 1 tablespoonful of butter. Add 1 pint of
water and let simmer until tender. Add chopped mushrooms and a small glass of wine. Let all get hot and

Jewish Gefuellte Fish.

Just 4 u

Take 2 pounds of trout and 2 pounds of red fish; cut in two−inch slices. Remove the skin from one side of the
slices. Chop 2 onions; add salt, pepper and mix with fine cracker−crumbs and 1 egg to a paste. Lay the paste
on the fish and put back the skin. Boil the fish with salt, pepper and sliced onion, 1 carrot and 2 sprigs of
parsley cut fine, a pinch of cloves and allspice. Let boil two hours. Add a tablespoonful of rich cream. Serve

Italian Cutlets.

Just 4 u

Take tender veal cutlets; season highly with pepper and salt. Dip in beaten egg and fine bread−crumbs and fry
in boiling lard until a light brown. Have ready some boiled macaroni well seasoned. Put on a platter with the
cutlets and pour over all a highly seasoned tomato−sauce

French Almond Pudding.

Just 4 u

 Take 1/2 pound of almonds and pound in a mortar. Mix with 6 yolks of eggs and a cup of sugar, 1
tablespoonful of lemon−juice, 1
tablespoonful of brandy, 3 slices of stale cake−crumbs and the whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Put in a
well−buttered pudding−dish and bake in a slow oven until done.

Bean Polenta (ITALIAN).

Just 4 u

Cook 2 cups of white dried beans with salt and pepper until very soft; press through a colander. Fry 1 onion in
2 tablespoonfuls of butter until brown; mix with the beans. Add 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of
made mustard, some lemon−juice and 2 tablespoonfuls of molasses. Let all get very hot and serve with pork

English Peach Pie.

Just 4 u

Make a rich pie−crust and let bake until done. Peel and chop some peaches and mix with sugar to taste. Fill
the pie with the peaches; let bake. Whip 1 cup of rich cream with pulverized sugar and flavor with vanilla.
Spread the cream high over the pie; let get cold and serve.

Compote de Bannanes.

Just 4 u

Peel 1 dozen bananas and cut them in halves. Then cook 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 pound of sugar; let boil ten
minutes; then add the juice of a lemon; let cook. Add the sliced bananas to the hot syrup and stew slowly until
done. Remove the bananas to a dish and pour over the syrup. Serve very cold for dessert.

Jewish Sour Fish.

Just 4 u

Season a trout and let cook with 1 sliced onion, 1 sliced lemon, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a few cloves and
a pinch of pepper. Add cinnamon, 1/4 cup of raisins and 1 tablespoonful of butter. When done, remove to a
platter. Add some brown sugar, lemon−juice and chopped parsley to the sauce; let boil and pour over the fish.
Serve cold. Garnish with parsley.

German Liver Dumplings.

Just 4 u

Chop 1/2 pound of liver; add 1 chopped onion, some parsley, salt, pepper and a little nutmeg. Mix with 2
beaten eggs and 1 tablespoonful of butter. Add enough bread−crumbs to form into small balls and boil in
soup−stock and serve with the soup.

Russian Stewed Fish.

Just 4 u

Cut a white fish into pieces and salt well; let stand. Then cut 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic in thin slices; fry in
1 tablespoonful of butter. Stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour until brown. Then fill the pan with water and let boil.
Add 1 teaspoonful of celery seed, 1 bay−leaf, a few cloves, a pinch of thyme and mace, 1/2 teaspoonful of
paprica and salt to taste. Let boil. Add the fish to the sauce; sprinkle with black pepper and ginger and let cook
until done. Remove the fish to a platter. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs with a little water and stir in the sauce with
some chopped parsley. Let get very hot and pour over the fish. Garnish with lemon slices and sprigs of

German Bread Tarte.

Just 4 u

Take 1 cup of rye bread−crumbs and mix with the beaten yolks of 4 eggs, 1/2 cup of sugar, some pounded
almonds, a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and a piece of chocolate grated. Add 1 teaspoonful of lemon−juice, 1
tablespoonful of brandy and 1 of wine. Beat the whites to a stiff froth; add to the mixture. Put in a
well−buttered pudding−dish and bake until brown. Serve with wine sauce.

Spanish Dessert.

Just 4 u

Dissolve 1/2 box of gelatin. Then cook 1 pint of milk; add 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar and stir in the yolks of 3
eggs. Mix all together with the gelatin and the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth; add 1 teaspoonful of
vanilla. Pour into a mold and place on ice. Serve with whipped cream.

Russian Sandwich.

Just 4 u

Spread thin slices of rye bread with butter and caviare; some slices of white bread with butter and thin slices
of ham; some slices of pumpernickel bread with butter and a layer of cottage cheese; and some slices of
brown bread with butter and cold cooked chicken sliced thin. Put all into a press under a heavy weight for one
hour; then cut into perpendicular slices and serve.

Greek Cakes.

Just 4 u

Mix 1/2 pound of butter and 1 cup of sugar to a cream; add 4 well−beaten eggs and the grated rind and juice
of 1/2 lemon. Then stir in 1/2 pound of flour and work into a smooth dough. Lay on a well−floured
baking−board and roll out thin. Cut into fancy shapes and bake in a moderate oven until done. Cover with a
white icing, flavored with vanilla.

Norwegian Soup.

Just 4 u

Boil a large fish in 2 quarts of water; season with salt and paprica. Add 1 sliced onion, 2 leeks cut fine, 2
sprigs of parsley and 1 bay−leaf. Let cook well; then remove the fish. Add 1 tablespoonful of butter and 1
quart of oysters. Let boil ten minutes. Add 1 cup of hot cream; season to taste and serve very hot.

Polish Chicken Soup.

Just 4 u

Cook a large fat chicken in 3 quarts of water; add 1 onion, 2 carrots and 2 stalks of celery cut into small pieces
and 1 cup of pearl barley. Let all cook until tender. Remove the chicken; season the soup to taste with salt and
pepper; add some chopped parsley and serve hot with the chicken.

Spanish Rice.

Just 4 u

Fry 1 large chopped onion with 2 cups of tomatoes; add 1 cup of stock, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and let
simmer ten minutes; then add 2 cups of boiled rice. Mix well together with 1 tablespoonful of butter. Let get
very hot and serve.

Swiss Veal Pie.

Just 4 u

Cut cooked veal into small pieces; season and moisten with a rich beef gravy. Pour into a deep pie−dish. Then
make a cover with mashed potatoes moistened with cream; sprinkle with bits of butter and let bake until
brown. Serve hot.

Bombay Chicken Croquettes.

Just 4 u

Boil a fat hen well seasoned with salt, pepper, 1 sliced onion, 2 green peppers and 2 cloves of garlic. Remove
the chicken and chop fine and mix with chopped parsley, the grated rind of 1/2 lemon, 1/2 teaspoonful of
paprica and a pinch of nutmeg. Add a little chopped tarragon and chervil and 2 beaten eggs. Mix with the
sauce and form into croquettes. Then dip into beaten eggs and fine bread−crumbs, and fry in deep hot lard a
golden brown. Serve hot. Garnish with fried parsley and serve tomato−sauce in a separate dish, flavored with
chopped mango chutney.

Swiss Beet Salad.

Just 4 u

Boil red beets until tender; skin and cut into thin slices. Sprinkle with salt, whole pepper, whole cloves, 2
bay−leaves and mix with wine vinegar. Let stand. Serve the next day.

Spanish Baked Chicken.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a chicken with salt and pepper and let boil until tender. Put the chicken in a baking−dish;
pour over some tomato−sauce highly seasoned; sprinkle with well−buttered bread−crumbs and let bake until
brown. Place on a large platter with a border of boiled rice and pour over the sauce. Serve hot.

French Orange Compote.

Just 4 u

 Make a syrup of sugar and water; add a little lemon−juice. Peel and remove seeds of oranges; cut into quarters
and lay them in the boiling syrup; let cook ten minutes. Remove the oranges to a glass dish; pour over the
syrup and garnish with candied cherries.

Spanish Relish.

Just 4 u

Stone some large olives and fill the space with anchovy paste, mixed with well−seasoned tomato−sauce. Then
fry thin slices of bread and spread with some of the paste. Place a filled olive in the centre; sprinkle with
chopped hard−boiled eggs and garnish with fillets of anchovies and sprigs of parsley.

Jewish Chrimsel.

Just 4 u

Soak 1/2 loaf of bread in milk; add 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of pounded nuts, the grated peel
of a lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. Then mix with the yolks of 4 eggs and the whites beaten stiff and fry by
the tablespoonful in hot fat until brown. Serve hot with wine sauce.

Hindoo Oyster Fritters.

Just 4 u

Boil large oysters in their liquor; season with salt, pepper and curry−powder. Let come to a boil; then drain,
and spread the oysters with highly seasoned minced chicken. Dip them in a seasoned egg batter and fry in
deep hot lard to a golden brown. Serve hot, garnished with fried parsley and lemon slices.

Dutch Biscuits.

Just 4 u

Make a soft biscuit dough; then put on a well−floured baking−board and roll out one−half inch thick. Sprinkle
with sugar, cinnamon and grated lemon peel and pour over some melted butter. Then roll up the dough and
cut into inch thick slices; lay in a well−buttered baking−pan and let bake in a hot oven until done.

German Iced Beer Soup.

Just 4 u

Take one quart of fresh beer. Sweeten to taste and flavor with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Slice a lemon
very thin and put in the beer. Let get very cold on ice and serve with sponge−cake.

Irish Cucumber Salad.

Just 4 u

Peel the cucumbers and slice thin; add 1 onion sliced. Sprinkle well with salt; let stand half an hour on ice;
press out all the water; sprinkle with white pepper and chopped parsley. Add vinegar mixed with sugar, to
taste, and salad oil. Serve at once.

Belgian Eggs.

Just 4 u

Take 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of flour. Beat whites separate; add flour
to the yolks and sugar; beat until stiff. Beat the whites and scald in milk; strain from the milk, and set aside.
Take the yolk, and stir gently in the milk until thick. Remove from the fire. Place in a dish to cool. Flavor with
vanilla and then put the whites on top and serve.

Irish Potato Puffs.

Just 4 u

Peel and boil potatoes well seasoned; then mash thoroughly with a lump of butter. Add some milk and 2 eggs;
beat well until very light. Then fry in deep hot lard by the tablespoonful until a light brown. Serve hot with
broiled steak.

German Egg Toast.

Just 4 u

Cut slices of stale bread; beat 3 eggs with a pinch of salt and 1/4 cup of milk. Dip the slices of bread in the
beaten eggs and fry until brown on both sides. Cover with pulverized sugar; sprinkle with cinnamon and some
finely chopped nuts. Serve hot.

French Pop−overs.

Just 4 u

Beat the yolks of 3 eggs until very light; add 1 pint of milk. Sift 1 pint of flour with 2 teaspoonfuls of baking
powder; add 1/2 teaspoonful of salt and the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Flavor with rose−water.
Mix well together and pour into hot well−buttered cake−tins. Bake in a quick oven until a light brown. Serve
hot with French coffee.

Jewish Veal Stew.

Just 4 u

Cook 3 pounds of veal; when nearly done, add 2 cup of vinegar, 1/2 cup of raisins, a pinch of cloves and
cinnamon and a tablespoonful of horseradish. Thicken the sauce with buttered bread−crumbs; season with salt
and pepper to taste. Serve with boiled rice.

Russian Beef Roll.

Just 4 u

Chop 2 pounds of beef with 1/4 pound of suet; add 4 small onions, 2 cloves of garlic and 3 sprigs of parsley
chopped fine. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix with some bread−crumbs and a beaten egg. Shape
into a roll and lay in a baking−dish; moisten with broth and let bake until done. Serve on a platter with a
border of mashed potatoes and garnish with fried parsley.

Greek Cucumbers.

Just 4 u

Peel large cucumbers; cut off the ends; scoop out the seeds; sprinkle with salt. Then mix boiled rice with some
chopped green onions and stuff the cucumbers. Lay the cucumbers in a stew−pan; pour over 1 cup of stock
and the juice of a lemon; add 1 tablespoonful of butter, and let cook until tender. Serve hot, and pour over a
well−seasoned white sauce. Garnish with parsley.

Dutch Salad.

Just 4 u

Soak 3 Dutch herrings in milk; then cut off the heads and tails and cut herrings into one−half inch pieces. Add
2 apples cut fine, 2 hard−boiled eggs sliced thin, some cooked beets cut fine, some celery and green onions
cut into very small pieces. Season and mix together. Pour over some vinaigrette sauce, and sprinkle with
chopped gherkins.

Oriental Cabbage.

Just 4 u

Chop a small head of cabbage, then fry 1 onion and 2 sour apples sliced thin. Add the chopped cabbage, 1/2
cup of stock and the juice of 1/2 lemon; sprinkle with salt and cayenne pepper; add 1/2 teaspoonful of
curry−powder. Cover and let all simmer until tender. Serve very hot on a border of boiled rice.