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Friday, October 1, 2010


Just 4 u

3 quarts elderflowers 3 ½ lb. sugar
1 gallon water 2 lemons
Wine yeast Yeast; nutrient

Cut the elderflowers from the stalks, add a gallon of boiling water, and leave for a
few days, stirring occasionally. Strain on to 3 ½ lb. of sugar and the juice of two lemons,
add a teaspoonful of yeast nutrient, and a wine or champagne yeast.
This wine will be nearly dry but when it has started to clear and while there is still
some sugar present it may prove suitable to convert into a sparkling wine. A bottle
containing some of the wine is stood in a warm place and lightly plugged with


Just 4 u

6 lb. gooseberries 2 ½ lb. preserving sugar
6 pints water Yeast

Top, tail and wash the gooseberries, put into large crock and squeeze by hand
until they are pulpy. Then pour on the boiling water and allow to stand for three days,
well covered, stirring occasionally. Strain through two thicknesses of muslin, and add the
sugar, stirring until it is all dissolved, then add yeast and yeast nutrient. Put into


Just 4 u

1 ½ pts. stripped elder blossom 3 ½ lb. Demerara sugar
2 lemons 1 gallon boiling water
2 oranges Yeast
2 pieces root ginger Yeast nutrient

Slice the lemons and oranges and put them in a crock with the flowers, ginger and
sugar. Pour on to them the boiling water, and add the yeast nutrient. When the liquor has
cooled to blood heat add yeast, and allow to ferment for four days, keeping closely
covered in a warm place. Then strain, put into fermenting bottle, and fit trap. Leave for
about two months, then rack off, cork tightly, and keep for another two months.


Just 4 u

2/3 pint elderflowers ½ lb. raisins
1 gallon water Juice of 3 lemons
3 ½ lb. white sugar Yeast; nutrient

Gather the flowers on a sunny day when they are fully opened, and trim them from
the stems with a pair of scissors, until you have a pint (pressed down lightly) of petals.
Bring the water to the boil and pour over the flowers, then add the sugar, chopped raisins


Just 4 u

2 quarts of Balm Leaves, or a packet of Heath and Heather Dried Balm Leaves
3 lb. sugar and 1 lb. raisins (1 lb. barley if required)
1 lemon and 1 orange and yeast; nutrient

Add boiling water to the bruised leaves, raisins, sugar and the juice and rinds of
the lemon and orange. When cool add yeast. Allow to work for seven days then siphon
into fermenting vessel with air lock until fermentation is finished. The tender shoots
should be used if aroma is considered of most importance.


Just 4 u

6 lb. rhubarb 4 lb. white sugar
1 gallon cold water 2 lemons
1 gallon hawthorn blossom Yeast and nutrient

When boiling water is used in the making of rhubarb wine jellification is often
caused later, during fermentation. It is safer, therefore, to employ a cold water method.
If cold water is used, of course, the natural yeasts present in quantity (the bloom on the
rhubarb) may complicate your ferment if you are using a wine yeast and it is therefore
best to add a little sulphite (one Campden tablet per gallon) at the outset. Alternatively
you may care in this case to ferment with the natural yeast (in this case, since there is so
much of it present, the method usually works quite well). If you do, omit the Campden
tablet, and add no yeast.


Just 4 u

Many, out of curiosity, want to try making sack, once a favourite English drink,
mentioned by Shakespeare and earlier writers. It can be made as follows:

Three or four fennel roots 2 gallons water
3 or 4 sprays of rue 4 lbs. honey
Yeast; yeast nutrient

Wash the roots and leaves and boil them in the water for 45 minutes. Do not be
tempted to add more fennel or you will get an unpleasantly strong flavour. Then pour the
liquor through a nylon sieve and add the honey. Boil the whole for nearly two hours,


Just 4 u

2 quarts young nettle tops 1 gallon water
4 lb. white sugar 2 lemons
½ oz. root ginger Yeast; yeast nutrient

Pick only the tops of the nettles, rinse them in water, and drain. Simmer them in
some of the water with the bruised ginger and lemon peel (being careful to exclude any
white pith) for forty-five minutes. Strain, and make the liquor up to a gallon by adding

LEMON THYME WINE (By Mr. L. Foest, Penygraig House, Ammanford, Cams.)

Just 4 u

1 pint lemon thyme leaves 1 gallon water
(no stalks) 4 quart measures of rhubarb
1 lb. raisins Yeast and nutrient
3 lb. sugar

Cut up the rhubarb into ½ in. lengths, and chop the lemon thyme (to
approximately the size of mint when making mint sauce). Pour boiling water over them,
and then add the raisins. Stir every day for two weeks. Strain on to the sugar, stir


Just 4 u

2 qts. of hawthorn blossom 2 lemons
3 ½ lb. white sugar 9 pints water
Yeast and nutrient

Grate the rind from the lemons, being careful to include no white pith, and boil
with the sugar and the juice of one lemon in the water for half an hour. Pour into bowl
and when it has cooled to 70 degrees F. add the yeast (and, preferably, as with all flower


Just 4 u

4 lb. English honey 1 lemon
1 orange 1 gallon water
Yeast and nutrient

Put the honey into the water and bring to the boil, then pour into a crock and allow
to cool. Add the juice from the orange and lemon, and the yeast, preferably a Maury
yeast, or all-purpose wine yeast, and nutrient.


Just 4 u

Rhubarb contains an excess of oxalic acid, which is rather unpleasant and is best
removed by the use of precipitated chalk.

6 lb. rhubarb 1 gallon water
(preferably red) Yeast; nutrient
3 ½ lb. white sugar 1 lemon

Wipe the rhubarb with a damp cloth and cut it into short lengths, and crush it in a
crock with a piece of hardwood. Pour the cold water over it and add one crushed


Just 4 u

4 pints tea (the leavings in 2 lemons
the pot) Yeast and nutrient
1 ¼ lb. sugar

The "key" to the recipe is: 5 oz. sugar to the pint of tea. Save the leavings from the
teapot daily until you have accumulated four pints. It should be noted that this should not
be "strong" tea but rather the weaker tea one obtains from the "second pot."


Just 4 u

2 lb. large raisins 4 lemons
1 lb. wheat 1 gallon water
1 oz. tea Yeast and nutrient
2 lb. sugar

Tie the tea loosely in a muslin bag. Pour the boiling water over it and let it mash,
leaving it in the liquor until it is lukewarm. Remove the bag, and to the liquor add the
chopped raisins, wheat, sugar and sliced lemons. Add a Campden tablet. Dissolve ½ oz.
of baker's yeast in the liquid and stir it in. Leave it to ferment in a closely-covered pan for
21 days, stirring often, then strain into fermenting bottle and fit trap. Siphon off into clean
bottles when fermentation has ceased.


Just 4 u

2 quarts dandelion heads 4 oranges
3 lb. white sugar Yeast nutrient
1 gallon water Yeast

This recipe makes a pleasant alternative to the foregoing one. It is important that
the flowers should be picked in sunshine, or at midday, when they are fully opened, and
the making of the wine should be done immediately.


Just 4 u

3 quarts flowers 2 lemons, 1 orange
1 gallon water Yeast and nutrient
3 lb. sugar 1 lb. raisins

The flowers must be freshly gathered (traditionally St. George's Day, April 23rd,
is the correct occasion), picked off their stalks, and put into a large bowl. One does not
need to pick off the petals: use the whole heads. Bring the water to the boil, pour over the


Just 4 u

1 gallon cowslip flowers 2 oranges; 1 lemon
1 gallon water Yeast
3 ½ lb. white sugar Yeast nutrient

Do not use the green stalks and lower parts of the flowers, but only the yellow
portions. This is rather fiddling, but does protect the taste and colour. Boil the water,


Just 4 u

Coltsfoot grows abundantly in the British Isles but the flowers are not always easy
to come by in quantity unless you have previously earmarked the plant's position. It is
usually to be found in waysides, railway embankments and waste places, the bright
yellow flowers putting in an appearance from March onwards, long in advance of the
heart-shaped leaves. Because of this the old country name for this plant was "Son Before
Father"! (Those who do not live in the country can obtain the dried flowers from a

1 gallon coltsfoot flowers 3 ½ lb. sugar
1 gallon water Yeast and nutrient
2 oranges 2 lemons

Dissolve the sugar in the. water and bring to the boil. Simmer for five minutes.


Just 4 u

Later in the month, and right up till July, you can make another flower wine which
is thought by many to be one of the most agreeable table wines, when made reasonably
dry—broom, or gorse,

1 gallon gorse flowers 2 oranges
3 lb. sugar 1 gallon water
2 lemons Yeast; yeast nutrient

The best plan is to put your flowers in a calico bag, which can then be dropped
into the water and simmered for a quarter of an hour, afterwards making up the water to
the original quantity. When you remove the bag, squeeze it well to extract the liquor, and