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Friday, October 1, 2010


Just 4 u

1 gallon cowslip flowers 2 oranges; 1 lemon
1 gallon water Yeast
3 ½ lb. white sugar Yeast nutrient

Do not use the green stalks and lower parts of the flowers, but only the yellow
portions. This is rather fiddling, but does protect the taste and colour. Boil the water,
dissolving the sugar in it, and then pour the hot syrup over the peel of the fruit, having
been careful to exclude all white pith, which will give a bitter taste. When the liquor has
cooled to 70 degrees F. add the flowers, yeast nutrient, the juice of the fruit, and finally
the yeast. Leave to ferment in a closely covered crock for four to five days (no longer or
the taste will be impaired), then strain into fermenting vessel and fit trap. Siphon off for
the first time when the wine begins appreciably to clear, then leave for another three
months before the final racking into sterilised bottles

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