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Friday, October 1, 2010


Just 4 u

2 qts. of hawthorn blossom 2 lemons
3 ½ lb. white sugar 9 pints water
Yeast and nutrient

Grate the rind from the lemons, being careful to include no white pith, and boil
with the sugar and the juice of one lemon in the water for half an hour. Pour into bowl
and when it has cooled to 70 degrees F. add the yeast (and, preferably, as with all flower
wines, a good yeast nutrient). Leave for 24 hours, then tip in the flowers. Let the mixture
stand for another eight days, stirring well each day. Then strain through two thicknesses
of butter muslin into fermenting vessel, and fit fermentation trap. Rack for the first time
when it clears, and after a second racking about three months later (about six months in
all) bottle in the usual way. This is a light and delicious wine.

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