FoodFoodFoodFoodDrinkIce CreamIce CreamCandy

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Just 4 u

2 pints of honeysuckle 1 lemon
blossom (pressed down 1 orange
lightly) 1 Campden tablet
3 lb. sugar 1 gallon water
4 ozs. raisins Yeast and nutrient

The flowers must be fully open, and dry. Wash them in a colander, pour the water
(cold) over them, and stir in two lbs. of sugar, the minced raisins, and the citrus fruit
Add the crushed Campden tablet. Stir well, and next day add the yeast (a Sauternes
yeast is suitable) and the nutrient. Ferment for a week in a warm place, stirring daily, then
add the remaining sugar and stir well. Strain into fermenting jar and ferment, rack and
bottle as usual. Use ½ lb. sugar less for a really dry wine.

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