FoodFoodFoodFoodDrinkIce CreamIce CreamCandy

Monday, November 15, 2010


Just 4 u

Take a couple of young cocks, boil them almost to a jelly in water, and put them
into four gallons of ale; put in also a pound of raisins of the sun stoned; infuse a pound of
dates, mace and nutmegs, of each two ounces, in a quart of canary; put them to the ale;
strain and squeeze out liquor, and put to it half a pint of new ale yeast. Let it work for a
day; you may drink it the next but it is better the third day; you may make it weaker by
mingling it with plain ale as you draw it, or you may put it into a firkin of ale. It is good
against a consumption and to restore decayed nature.

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