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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Just 4 u

2 lb. dried peaches Yeast
3 ½ lb. granulated sugar Yeast nutrient
1 gallon water

Soak the peaches for 12 hours in the cold water, then place all in a large saucepan
or preserving pan, bring to the boil, and simmer for five or six minutes. Strain the liquid
off into a crock, add the sugar and the yeast nutrient, and stir well until all is dissolved.
Allow to cool to about 70 degrees F., then add a pre-prepared general-purpose wine yeast
starter or a level teaspoonful of granulated yeast.
Cover the bowl closely and keep in a temperature of 70-75 for four days, giving it
a daily stir; then stir, transfer to fermenting jar, and fit air lock. When wine clears and
fermentation has finished, siphon it off the sediment into clean bottles and cork securely.

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