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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Just 4 u

4 ½ lb. parsnips 4 lb. Demerara sugar
½ oz. hops 1 teaspoonful gravy
½ lb. malt extract browning (liquid variety)
1 gallon water Yeast
2 lemons

Clean parsnips, but do not peel, and ensure that their weight is not less than four
pounds after cleaning. Cut them into slices and boil gently in half the water until soft (but
not mushy, or the wine will not clear). Then strain into a pan. Put the hops in a bag in the
remaining water and boil gently for half an hour, then stir in the gravy browning (which is
only caramel colouring). Mix the liquids together and stir in the malt and sugar, allow to
cool to blood heat, and then add yeast. Keep warm and closely covered and ferment for
14 days, then stir, siphon into fermenting jar and fit air lock. When the wine clears siphon
off into sterilised bottles and keep for a further six months.

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