Just 4 u
3 quarts flowers 2 lemons, 1 orange
1 gallon water Yeast and nutrient
3 lb. sugar 1 lb. raisins
The flowers must be freshly gathered (traditionally St. George's Day, April 23rd,
is the correct occasion), picked off their stalks, and put into a large bowl. One does not
need to pick off the petals: use the whole heads. Bring the water to the boil, pour over the
dandelions, and leave for three days, stirring each day. Keep the bowl closely covered.
After third day, turn all into a boiler, add the sugar and the rinds only of the lemons and
orange. Boil for one hour. Return to the crock, and add the juice and pulp of the lemons
and orange. Allow to stand till cool, then add wine yeast or a pinch of dried yeast, and
yeast nutrient, since this is a liquor likely to be deficient in desirable elements. Let it
remain closely covered for three days in a warm place, then strain into fermenting bottles
and divide the raisins equally amongst them. Fit traps. Leave until fermentation ceases
and rack when wine clears. This wine, made in April or early May, is ready for drinking
by Christmas, but improves vastly by being kept a further six months.
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