FoodFoodFoodFoodDrinkIce CreamIce CreamCandy

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Just 4 u

1 lb. Parsley (fresh) or 4 lb. sugar
1 packet (Heath and Heather) 2 oranges and 2 lemons
Dried Parsley 1 gallon water
½ oz. Bruised Ginger (if liked). Yeast and nutrient
(1 lb. Barley can be
added if required)

Boil the parsley (the dried variety should firstly be infused for 24 hours), bruised
ginger and thinly peeled rinds of the lemons and oranges for 20 minutes in the gallon of
water. Strain on to the sugar and stir well. When lukewarm add the yeast and the fruit
juice. Stir and cover, leave for 24 hours. Pour into a fermenting jar and insert an air lock.
Leave in a warm place to ferment to a finish. Siphon off into a storage jar.

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