Just 4 u
This is a truly delicious wine, and although apparently "heavy" on fruit is well
worth making. It is strong yet delicately flavoured, with an attractive, faintly "cidery"
24 lb. mixed windfall apples 1 gallon water
3 lb. preserving sugar to the Yeast
gallon of liquor
Chop the apples into small pieces, put into a bowl, add the yeast and water (the
water will not cover the apples).
Leave for about a week, stirring vigorously several times
a day to bring the apples at the bottom to the top. Keep the pan closely covered and in a
fairly warm place. Then strain the juice from the apple pulp. Press the juice from the
apples and add to the rest of the liquor. To every gallon add 3 lb. of sugar. Put into cask
or glass fermenting vessel and fit fermentation trap, racking when it has cleared. The
wine will be ready for drinking within six months, but improves for being kept a year.
If eating apples are used it is a good idea to make every tenth pound one of crab apples,
and another improvement is to employ a Sauterne wine yeast.
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