Just 4 u
4 lb. blackberries Yeast
3 lb. granulated sugar Yeast nutrient
The fruit should be picked when ripe and dry on a sunny day. Wash it well, being
careful to remove any of the small maggots sometimes found in blackberries. Place the
fruit in a crock, and crush it with a wooden spoon. Pour over it the gallon of boiling
water. Stir well, allow to become lukewarm (about 70 degrees F.), then add the yeast.
Cover closely and leave for four or five days, stirring daily. Strain through two
thicknesses of muslin or a nylon sieve on to 3 lb. of granulated sugar and add the yeast
nutrient. Stir well to make sure that all is dissolved. Pour into dark fermenting jar or "grey
hen," filling to shoulder, and fit fermentation trap. Keep the spare liquor in a smaller
bottle also fitted with a trap or plug of cotton-wool. When the ferment quietens sufficient
for there to be no risk of it foaming through the trap (after, say, a week) top up with the
spare wine to the base of the neck and refit trap. Leave until it clears and then rack for the
first time.
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