Just 4 u
Those of you who are growing vines—and all amateur winemakers should, or
they miss a great deal of fun and enjoyment—will have not only grapes (in September)
but, throughout the summer, a plentiful supply of vine prunings and leaves as the growing
vines are cut back to ensure that the maximum nutrition goes into the bunches of grapes.
Do not waste these prunings and leaves; they will make excellent wine! Cut only the
green shoots and not ripe wood or the vine will "bleed."
8 pints boiling water 3 lb. white sugar
5 lb. leaves and tendrils Yeast and nutrient
Put the cuttings and leaves into a bowl and pour on to them the boiling water.
Let this stand for 48 hours, but turn occasionally to submerge top leaves and keep prunings
well under water. Keep crock closely covered. Pour off liquid and press out remaining
leaves and tendrils. "Wash" the leaves with a pint of water and press again. Dissolve the
sugar in the liquid, add the yeast and yeast nutrient, and pour into fermenting vessel and
fit trap. Ferment right out in the usual way and siphon off when clear.
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