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Thursday, November 11, 2010


Just 4 u

5 lb. pears 1 gallon water
3 lb. white sugar Yeast; yeast nutrient
2 lemons

Really ripe pears, even "sleepy" ones, are best for your purpose.
Do not bother to peel or core them, but chop them, being careful to save any juice, put them into a large
saucepan, and add the water and any juice. Bring slowly to the boil, and simmer gently
for not more than twenty minutes, or the wine may not clear later. Strain the liquor off
into a large crock on to the sugar, and add the juice of the two lemons to supply some
acid, and yeast nutrient, since pears are deficient in both. When the liquor has cooled to
blood heat transfer to a fermenting jar, add a wine yeast or a level teaspoonful of
granulated yeast, and fit air lock, for contact with air is not only risky because of possible
infection, but also because it may cause an unwanted brown discolouration. Do not fill
the jar to the bottom of the neck but keep a little of the liquor aside in a closely covered
jug or another air-locked bottle, to be added when the first vigorous fermentation has
quietened and there is no longer risk of the wine foaming out through the trap. An
excellent wine can be made in this way, but if you have a fondness for dry wine, for
which pears are particularly suitable, cut the sugar down until the original gravity of the
liquor is about 1090, or 2 lb. 3 ozs. per gallon.

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