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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Just 4 u

Most plums will make good wine, but generally speaking Victoria plums have
been found to be the most satisfactory. Even they sometimes produce a wine, which is
somewhat lacking in body, and many winemakers, to counter this plum failing, are in the
habit of adding a pound of grain (wheat or barley) to the recipe.

6 lb. plums (before stoning) Yeast
3 ½ lb. sugar 1 gallon water

Cut the plums in half, and crush them in your hands. Take half of the water, bring
it to the boil, and then pour it over the fruit pulp.
Leave it for four or five hours, then
strain, and add the other half of the water to the pulp. Strain the two lots of juice and you
should have about a gallon of really clear juice. Bring this to the boil, and then pour it
over the sugar, stirring to dissolve. Allow the liquor to cool to 70 degrees F. then add the
yeast (preferably a Bordeaux, Tokay or Sauterne wine yeast, but failing that ¾ oz. baker's
yeast or a level teaspoon of granulated yeast), pour the whole into your fermenting vessel,
and fit an air lock. When the wine begins to clear, siphon it off for the first time, and
when all fermentation has finished, rack it again into clean bottles and cork.

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