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Monday, November 15, 2010


Just 4 u

1 lb. bran Gravy browning
2 oz. dried hops Yeast
2 lb. Demerara sugar 3 gallons water

Put two gallons of water in a three-gallon boiler, and put third gallon by. Bring to
boil. Add sugar, 2 oz. dried hops (buy Heath and Heather packeted hops from chemists),
bran, and two teaspoonsful of gravy browning (the liquid variety—which is only caramel
colouring). Boil gently for 1½ hours.
Strain through muslin into crock and on to third gallon of cold water. Leave to cool until blood heat, then pour into three one-gallon jars, filling to shoulder only. Add brewer's yeast, if obtainable, or dried yeast, fit traps and leave for seven days (in room temperature of 65 degrees). Then siphon into half-gallon
bottles (or smaller ones if these are not available), cork really tightly, tie down corks. The
beer may be drunk after another week, but will not be really clear. To clarify, it should be
kept at least three weeks after bottling in a cool place. And keep an eye on those corks!
This is an excellent and really cheap ale, and may be made week by week to accumulate a
quantity, each fresh brew being put on to part of the lees of the former one, and the
surplus yeast thrown away or used for other purposes. If this system is to be followed it
pays to obtain a small quantity of true brewer's yeast initially, and it can then be kept
going for several months. This brown ale costs about 1/- a gallon.

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