Just 4 u
Take 3-4 ½ lb. of mild honey, amount according to dryness or sweetness of wine
required. If a wine yeast is to be used, have it activated and ready in advance.
Bring the honey to the boil in two or three times its volume of water. Stir with
wooden spoon until honey is dissolved, or it may burn. Skim off any scum which rises.
To the hot liquid add approximately ½ oz. of citric acid and the yeast nutrient.
Alternatively, one may use the juice of 4-6 lemons, when only half the yeast nutrient need
be added.
Add the rest of the water when convenient, transfer to fermenting containers and
add yeast when cool. A narrow neck and fermentation lock are advisable. Since there is a
gallon of water and several pounds of honey there will be about nine to ten pints of liquid.
This will allow for a full gallon after racking, which should take place when the wine is
beginning to clear and a definite layer of sludge can be seen at the bottom. Wine made
now would be worth drinking at Christmas, but would be better for keeping.
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