Just 4 u
If using a hydrometer, press a few of the grapes to determine the specific gravity
of the juice and how much sugar to add. (If not using a hydrometer, it is best to add at
least 1 ¼ lb.)
Remove the stalks of the grapes: place the grapes in a tub or large crock (a
cylindrical one is convenient) and crush them by hand or with a piece of hardwood and, if
using the natural yeast, add the sugar and yeast nutrient, stirring very thoroughly. If using
a special yeast add one Campden tablet per gallon, and 24 hours later stir in the sugar and
add the yeast.
Use a disc of heavy hardwood (oak or beech) fitting very loosely in the cylindrical
crock, to hold the skins down below the surface of the liquid. Bore holes in it with a 2-in.
bit. Each day push this "sinker" down to keep the skins wet. This is important or you may
get poor colour extraction and the "cap" of skins may acetify. Keep the crock in a warm
place for up to 10 days, according to the depth of colour you require, but not more, then
strain off the liquor into your fermenting vessel and add (by stages if not using a
hydrometer) the balance of the sugar. If you can, press the pulp to get "just that little
Keep this wine, of course, in an opaque or coloured fermenter to preserve its
colour, and thereafter continue as for any ordinary country wine.
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