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Friday, November 12, 2010


Just 4 u

This is a glorious, golden wine which is simplicity itself to make.
3 12-oz. cartons of mixed G.P. wine yeast
dried fruit Yeast nutrient
1 lb. wheat 1 gallon boiling water
3 lb. sugar ¼ oz. citric acid

Make up a starter bottle two days or so before you need it with half a pint of
orange juice—it can be a little diluted to make up the quantity—1 oz. of sugar, a little
yeast nutrient and the general-purpose wine yeast. Place it in a temperature of about 70
degrees F.
You can obtain your 12-oz. cartons of fruit (sultanas, raisins and currants) from
Woolworths. Tip all the fruit, grain and sugar into a crock, and pour over them the boiling
water, stirring to dissolve the sugar. When cool add the contents of the starter bottle and
¼ oz. citric acid, and stir well in. Cover closely and leave in a warm place (65-70 degrees
F.) for three weeks, stirring vigorously daily. Then strain into fermenting bottle and fit
trap, and rack off for the first time when it clears. This wine can be drunk after six months
and is doubly useful in that it can be made at any time of the year.

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