Just 4 u
7 lb. parsnips 2 ½ gallons of water
3 lb. sugar to each gallon Yeast; yeast nutrient
of liquor 2 lemons
Scrub and scrape the parsnips; then slice them and boil them in the water until
tender, but not mushy, or the wine will not dear later. The parsnips can be boiled in half
the water, if necessary, and the remaining water added afterwards, warm.
Then strain through a coarse cloth tied over a crock, but do not hurry the process
or press the parsnips in any way, for again this may be fatal to the wine's clarity. A
thorough, slow, unforced straining is essential. Measure the liquor, add 3 lb. white sugar
to a gallon, and finally the juice of the two lemons. Bring to the boil and simmer for
three-quarters of an hour. Turn into crock, and when liquor has cooled to 70 degrees F.
add yeast and yeast nutrient. Cover closely with a thick cloth and allow to remain in a
warm place for ten days, stirring well from the bottom each day. Then strain into
fermenting jars or cask, fit traps, and leave for about six months in a cooler place; it
should then be clearing. Siphon it off the lees, bottle, and keep six months longer.
Many people have difficulty in clearing parsnip wine, but if you follow these
instructions carefully yours will be of brilliant clarity and excellent colour.
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