FoodFoodFoodFoodDrinkIce CreamIce CreamCandy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Just 4 u

4 lb. raspberries Yeast and nutrient
4 lb. redcurrants Sugar

Wash the fruit, rejecting any which are damaged, and press out all the juice. (If a
press is not available use a plate and colander stood on laths over a crock.)
Boil the squeezed pulp in three times its own volume of water for two hours, and then strain on to
the original juice. The pulp should be squeezed dry and this liquid also added. Measure
the total liquid thus obtained and to each gallon add four lb. sugar, and then the yeast
(when the liquor has cooled to blood heat). Put into fermenting bottle, filling to shoulder
to allow space for the vigour of the primary fermentation, but keep a little liquor aside in
a covered jug with which to "top up" once the initial ferment is over. Fit fermentation trap
and leave until fermentation is finished. Then siphon off and keep for six months before
final bottling.

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