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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Just 4 u

Many gardens have masses of rose-petals which, In the normal course of events,
would finish up on the compost heap. But why not take advantage of their glorious scent
and make this most unusual wine? All you need is:

2 quarts rose petals (the 2 ½ lb. white sugar
stronger scented the better) Yeast
1 lemon Yeast nutrient
1 gallon boiling water

Bring the water to the boil, and add the sugar, rose petals, and juice of the lemon.
Stir well, and when it has cooled to 70 degrees F. add the yeast (a G.P. wine yeast or a
level teaspoon of granulated yeast) and a yeast nutrient. Leave to ferment for a week,
stirring daily, and keeping closely covered. Then strain into a fermentation jar and
ferment until finished. A wine made in this way will normally have good colour, if
coloured roses are used; if less colour is required the petals should be strained from the
liquor three days earlier.

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