FoodFoodFoodFoodDrinkIce CreamIce CreamCandy

Monday, November 15, 2010


Just 4 u

1 quart fresh milk 6 Seville oranges (or six
1 bottle rum or brandy ordinary oranges and six
1 pint rum (if desired) lemons)
1 gallon water 3 ½ lb. sugar

Peel the fruit very thinly, or use a grater, to exclude all white pith, which has a
bitter taste, and squeeze out all the juice.
Soak the peel in the spirits for four days in a
corked large bottle. Put the sugar in a bowl and pour on the water, the milk (boiling, if it
has not been previously pasteurised) and the fruit juice. Stir well to dissolve the sugar.
Strain through several thicknesses of muslin or a jelly-bag, then bottle. This punch must
be drunk within a few days; if you wish to keep it longer than that before serving do not
add the water to the last minute, and then add it boiling, since the punch, of course,
should be drunk just warm.

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