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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Russian Omelet.

Just 4 u

Chop 2 shallots with a little parsley and cook in hot water. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of caviare and a teaspoonful
of lemon−juice; season to taste. Beat 4 eggs with 1 tablespoonful of cream, salt and pepper, and fry in an
omelet−pan with hot butter until done. Put the mixture in the centre; turn in the ends and serve at once.

Austrian Braised Tongue.

Just 4 u

Boil a large fresh beef tongue in salted water until tender. Remove the tongue and lard it with thin strips of
bacon; sprinkle with paprica; lay in a baking−pan; add 1 onion sliced thin and 1 cup of the water in which the
tongue was cooked and pour over 1 pint of cream. Let bake in a moderate oven. Baste often with the sauce.
Serve hot, and pour over the sauce; garnish with parsley.

Haggis (SCOTCH).

Just 4 u

Chop a sheep's tongue, liver and heart and 1 pound of bacon. Add 2 large chopped onions; season with 1/4
teaspoonful of red pepper and 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs and salt to taste. Mix with 1 pint of toasted
oatmeal, 2 beaten eggs and the grated rind and juice of a lemon. Then clean the pouch of the sheep and fill
with the mixture. Lay in boiling water and let boil three hours. Serve with apple−sauce.

Oriental Canapes.

Just 4 u

Take some lobster or crab−meat and pound in a mortar. Mix with 1 tablespoonful of butter; season with salt
and pepper, a pinch each of mustard, cayenne, nutmeg and curry−powder and moisten with
lemon−juice. Cut small rounds of toasted bread; scoop out some of the centre; fill with the mixture and cover
with a curry sauce. Sprinkle with fine bread−crumbs and let bake in the oven a few minutes. Serve hot.

Rissotto (ITALIAN).

Just 4 u

Boil 1 cup of rice in salted water until soft; drain. Then grate Parmesan cheese and cover the rice with cheese.
Let steam in the oven a few minutes; then pour over some highly seasoned tomato−sauce, and serve hot with
fried veal chops.

Polish Stewed Tongue

Just 4 u

Cook a fresh tongue until tender; skin and slice thin. Put a large spoonful of butter in a saucepan; add a
chopped onion; let brown. Then stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour; add 2 cups of the water in which the tongue
was cooked, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon. Let boil with the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar
and 1 tablespoonful of sugar. Add the sliced tongue and simmer ten minutes. Serve hot or cold.

Belgian Potato Salad.

Just 4 u

Slice cold boiled potatoes very thin and mix with chopped celery and onion; season with salt and pepper.
Then mix the yolks of 2 hard−boiled eggs with 1 tablespoonful of olive−oil. Add to the salad with 2
tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

French Veal Soufflé.

Just 4 u

Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. Mix with 2 tablespoonfuls of flour until smooth; add 1 cup of milk; let boil
up. Then add 1 cup of minced veal, some parsley, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Stir in the yolks of 2 eggs.
Remove from the fire; let cool. Beat the whites to a stiff froth; add to the meat. Put in a buttered baking−dish
and bake twenty minutes. Serve at once.

Jewish Crebchen Soup.

Just 4 u

Beat 3 eggs with 2 tablespoonfuls of water and a pinch of salt; then add enough flour to make a stiff dough.
Work it well with flour and roll out as thin as possible; fold it double and cut into square pieces and fill with
minced cooked chicken or veal. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and bits of butter; fold in the edges. Have
ready some soup stock; when boiling, add the crebchen and let boil until done. Serve with the soup.

Codfish a la Lyonnaise.

Just 4 u

Cut cold boiled codfish in pieces; then boil 8 small onions until soft; heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. Add the
boiled onions, 2 small cold sliced potatoes, the codfish and 1 cup of milk; sprinkle with pepper. Cover and
simmer ten minutes and serve hot.

India Curried Eggs.

Just 4 u

Cut hard−boiled eggs in halves; then fry 1 small chopped onion and 1 chopped apple in hot butter; add 1/4
cup of pounded almonds and 1 pint of milk, mixed with 1/2 tablespoonful of cornstarch. Season with salt and
a dessertspoonful of curry−powder. Let cook ten minutes; then add the eggs. Let all get very hot. Serve with
croutons; garnish with fried parsley.

Russian Fish−Roll.

Just 4 u

Chop some cooked trout and white fish, and mix with 1/2 cup of boiled rice. Season with salt, pepper and all
kinds of herbs minced fine. Then make a rich pie−paste and roll out very thin. Fill with the mixture and make
into a roll. Sprinkle with bits of butter and let bake until brown. Serve hot with wine−sauce

Vienna Stewed Carrots.

Just 4 u

Peel some carrots and cut in small pieces. Boil in salted water until tender; drain. Brown 1 tablespoonful of
flour in 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1/2 cup of the water in which the carrots were cooked, 2 tablespoonfuls
of vinegar and a little sugar. Let all boil; then add the carrots and 1 cup of cooked peas, some chopped parsley
and a pinch of pepper. Simmer ten minutes and serve hot

Spanish Cake.

Just 4 u

Beat 1 pound of butter with 1 pound of sugar to a cream. Add the yolks of 8 eggs well beaten. Sift 1 pound of
flour with 2 teaspoonfuls of baking−powder and stir together with 1 cup of milk. Add the whites of eggs,
beaten to a stiff froth with a pinch of salt. Flavor with rose−water. Bake in a moderate oven until done.

Russian Boiled Fish.

Just 4 u

Clean and season a whole fish and let boil with 1 sliced onion, 1/2 cup of vinegar, a few slices of lemon and 2
sprigs of parsley. Add a tablespoonful of butter and let cook until tender. Remove the fish to a platter; mix the
sauce with 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar, a pinch of ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg and the juice of a lemon.
Let boil well; then thicken with the yolks of 2 beaten eggs and pour over the fish. Serve cold. Garnish with
lemon−slices and olives.

Egyptian Meat−Pie.

Just 4 u

Line a large baking−dish with pie−dough. Have ready 1/2 pound of calf's liver chopped, and 1/2 pound of
fresh pork chopped fine. Season highly and mix with 1/2 cup of butter, 2 green peppers, 1 onion chopped and
1/2 can of chopped mushrooms. Moisten with a glass of sherry. Fill the dish with the mixture and cover with
the dough. Let bake until done and serve hot.

Vienna Peach Torte.

Just 4 u

Make a rich pie−dough; then line a pie−dish with the dough. Pare and remove the stones from the peaches and
cut into quarters. Lay closely on the pie; sprinkle with brown sugar and moisten with wine. Bake in a
moderate oven until done. Then spread with a meringue and let brown in the oven a few minutes.

English Stuffed Goose.

Just 4 u

Season a fat goose with salt and pepper, and rub well with vinegar. Then core small apples and fill the goose
with the whole apples. Put in the baking−pan, sprinkle with flour; pour over 1 cup of hot water; add a lump of
butter and bake until done. Baste often with the sauce in the pan. Serve the goose with the whole apples.

Bavarian Wine Soup.

Just 4 u

Mix 3 pints of red wine with 1 pint of water. Add sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon to taste and the grated peel of
half a lemon. Let come to a boil; then stir in the yolks of 2 well−beaten eggs. Do not boil again. Serve hot
with biscuits.

Dutch Eggs.

Just 4 u

Heat some butter in a pan; then break in as many eggs as needed and fry them; add some sliced onions.
Remove the eggs to a platter; arrange the onions on the eggs; sprinkle with salt and red pepper and pour over
some lemon−juice. Serve as hot as possible on toast.

Norwegian Salad.

Just 4 u

Cut some pickled herring into pieces and mix with flaked lax, 2 peeled apples and 2 boiled potatoes. Cut into
dice pieces; add some chopped shallots and gherkins; sprinkle with finely minced tarragon and chervil, salt
and pepper. Cover with a plain salad dressing.

Madras Baked Fish

Just 4 u

Season a fish with salt, pepper, some grated green ginger and curry−powder. Place in a baking−pan with 1
sliced onion, 2 chopped green peppers and 1 sprig of parsley. Pour over some water and hot melted butter;
sprinkle with flour and bake until done. Garnish with sliced lemon and parsley.

Egyptian Cabbage.

Just 4 u

Parboil a cabbage in salted water; drain and stuff with chopped cooked mutton. Mix with chopped ham, 1
onion and 2 sprigs of parsley chopped fine. Add 1/2 cup of cooked rice, salt and pepper to taste. Place in a
buttered baking−dish; sprinkle with bits of butter; add the juice of a lemon, and let bake in a moderate oven
until done. Baste often with butter and serve hot.

Russian Pancakes.

Just 4 u

Make a pancake batter and fry in thin cakes. Then spread them with a layer of anchovies, butter and a layer of
caviare. Sprinkle with minced shallots, cayenne pepper and lemon−juice. Roll up and serve hot as possible.

French Pineapple Bisque.

Just 4 u

Beat the yolks of 4 eggs with 1 cup of pulverized sugar; add 1 pint of cream; stir well until very light. Then
add 1 small can of shredded pineapple and crush a few macaroons. Mix well with a small glass of brandy. Let
freeze and serve in small glasses.

Bavarian Pear Pudding.

Just 4 u

Soak 1/2 loaf of bread and press dry. Mix with 1/2 pound of chopped suet; add a teaspoonful of salt, 1 cup of
sugar, 2 eggs and the grated peel of a lemon, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Add some sifted flour;
mix well, and form into a large ball. Then peel 1 quart of pears. Cut in half, and lay in a large saucepan a layer
of pears; sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and grated lemon peel. Lay in the pudding; cover with a layer of pears
and pour over all 3
tablespoonfuls of syrup. Fill with cold water and boil half an hour; then bake three hours and serve hot.

Belgian Rice Dessert

Just 4 u

Cook 1 pint of milk; add 1/2 cup of boiled rice and some currants; stir in the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten with
2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Remove from the fire. Add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla; then form into cylinders. Dip
in beaten egg and fine bread−crumbs and fry a golden brown. Sprinkle with pulverized sugar and put some
red currant jelly on top and serve.

Austrian Potato Dumplings.

Just 4 u

Peel 5 potatoes and boil whole in salted water until tender. Drain, let get cold, then grate them and mix with 4
eggs and 1 ounce of butter; add salt to taste. Mix well; add flour enough to form into dumplings and fry in
deep hot lard until brown. Serve hot with cooked fruit.

Egyptian Meat Balls.

Just 4 u

Chop 1 pound of raw beef; season with salt, pepper and 1 teaspoonful of curry−powder; add 2 stalks of
chopped celery, 1 small onion and some chopped parsley. Mix with 2 beaten eggs and 1/2 cup of
bread−crumbs, and make into small balls. Let cook in hot butter until tender. Serve on a border of boiled rice
and pour over all a highly seasoned tomato−sauce.

Scotch Scones.

Just 4 u

Sift 1−1/2 pints of flour; add a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoonful of soda mixed with 1 pint of sour milk. Mix to a
soft dough. Lay on a well−floured baking−board and roll 1 inch thick. Cut with a round cake−cutter and bake
on a hot greased griddle until brown on both sides. Serve hot with butter.

Chinese Chicken.

Just 4 u

Cut a fat chicken into pieces at the joints; season with all kinds of condiments; then put in a deep saucepan.
Add some chopped ham, a few sliced bamboo sprouts, 1 chopped onion and a handful of walnuts. Cover with
hot water and let stew slowly until tender. Add some Chinese sauce and parsley. Serve with shredded

Turkish Pudding.

Just 4 u

Dissolve 1/2 box of gelatin; chop 1/4 pound of dates and mix with 2 ounces of boiled rice, 1/2 cup of
pulverized sugar and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla; then mix the gelatin with 1 pint of whipped cream. Mix all well
together and turn into a mold and stand on ice until cold. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Serve with whipped

English Gems.

Just 4 u

Cream 1 cup of butter with 2 cups of brown sugar; add 4 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in 1
large cup of strong coffee, 1 cup of molasses, 4 cups of sifted flour, 1/2 teaspoonful each of nutmeg, allspice,
cloves and mace, 2 teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar sifted with 1/2 cup of flour, 1 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of
currants and chopped citron. Mix well and fill buttered gem pans 1/2 full and bake until done. Then cover
with chocolate icing.

East India Fish.

Just 4 u

Slice 1/2 pound of cooked salmon; then heat 1 ounce of butter in a stew−pan; add 2 small onions chopped
fine, 1 ounce of cocoanut, 2 hard−boiled eggs chopped. Let cook a few minutes, then add 1 pint of milk; let
boil up once. Add the fish, 1 teaspoonful of curry paste, 1 teaspoonful of paprica and salt to taste. Let cook a
few minutes, then stir in 1 large tablespoonful of boiled rice. Serve very hot with toast.

Austrian Goulasch.

Just 4 u

Boil 2 calves' heads in salted water until tender; then cut the meat from the bone. Fry 1 dozen small peeled
onions and 3 potatoes, cut into dice pieces; stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour and the sauce in which the meat was
cooked. Let boil up, add the sliced meat, 1 teaspoonful of paprica and salt to taste; let all cook together fifteen
minutes then serve very hot.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Taste of China (A)

Just 4 u

Almond Chicken
1 lb skinned chicken breast
1 cup vegtable oil
5 slices fresh ginger root
3 green onions, chopped to about 1" lengths
1 green pepper, chopped as above
1/2 cup diced bamboo shoots
1/3 slivered almonds (a little vegetable oil to fry in)
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp white pepper
1 tsp cornstarch
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 egg white
Seasoning sauce:
1 Tbsp rice vinegar
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp dry sherry
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp cornstarch
Deep fry slivered almonds in vegtable oil for 2 to 3 minutes to crisp
them up. drain well on paper towel. Let stand for 5 minutes before using.
Dice chicken into 1 inch cubes. Combine marinade ingrediants, add
chicken and mix well. Let stand 1/2 hour. Heat oil in wok, add chicken
and stir fry until browned. Remove chicken and drain well. Stir fry
ginger, onion, pepper and bamboo shoots for about 1 minute until
vegtables are crisp−tender. Combine ingrediants for seasoning sauce in a
small bowl, mix well and add to wok. bring to boil. Add chicken to
boiling sauce. Stir fry chicken until coated with sauce.
Add almonds, mix well.

A Taste of China ( B )

Just 4 u

Barbecued Spareribs
2 banks of spareribs, uncut, about 2 pounds each
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup sweet bean sauce (hoi sin deung) or hoi sin sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup sherry
Trim off excess fat from the thick edges of spareribs. Place ribs
in a shallow pan or platter. Mix remaining ingredients for a
marinade and spread over both sides of the spareribs. Let stand
for at least two hours.
Place one oven rack at the top of the oven and one at the bottom.
Preheat to 375F. Hook each bank of spareribs with 3 or 4 S−hooks
across its width, on the thick edges, and suspend under top rack.
Place a large pan with 1/2" water on bottom rack. This pan will
catch the drippings and keep the meat from drying out. Cook
spareribs for about 45 minutes.

Bean Curd with Oyster Sauce
8 ounces bean curd
4 ounces fresh mushrooms
6 green onions
3 stalks celery
1 red or green pepper
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
4 teaspoons dry sherry
4 teaspoons soy sauce
1. Cut bean curd into 1/2 inch cubes. Clean mushrooms and cut into slices.
Cut onions into 1 inch pieces. Cut celery into 1/2 inch diagonal slices.
Remove seeds from pepper and cut pepper into 1/2 inch chunks.
2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in wok over high heat. Cook bean curd in
the oil, stirring gently, until light brown, 3 minutes. Remove from pan.
3. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in wok over high heat. Add mushrooms,
onions, celery and pepper, Stir fry for 1 minute.
4. Return bean curd to wok. Toss lightly to combine. Blend water, cornstarch,
oyster sauce, sherry and soy sauce. Pour over mixture in wok. Cook and
stir until liquid boils. Cook and stir 1 minute longer.

A Taste of China ( C )

Just 4 u

Cantonese Roast Duck
1 duck, about 5 pounds,fresh or frozen
1 tablespoon salt
1 scallion
3 slices fresh ginger
1 tablespoon light corn syrup
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Few sprigs fresh cilantro, for garnish
1. Thaw the duck, if frozen. Remove any excess fat, and rinse and pat dry
with paper towels. Rub the entire surface of the duck, inside and out,
with the salt. Cover and refrigerate for several hours, or, overnight.
2. Put the scallion in the cavity and lay the slices of ginger on top of
the duck. Add at least 2 inches of water to a large flameproof roasting
pan with a lid and put the pan on the stove. Place a large rack in the
roasting pan and bring the water to a boil. Choose an oval casserole large
enough to hold the duck and small enough to fit into the roasting pan.
Place the duck in the casserole and then put the casserole on the rack.
Cover and steam for 1 hour, checking the water level from time to time
and adding more boiling water if necessary. Save the duck broth to use in
soups or stir fry dishes. When done, remove the duck from the casserole
and place it on a rack to dry.
3. Combine the ingredients for the glaze in a small saucepan and bring to
a boil. With a pastry brush, paint the hot glaze over the surface of the
duck. Allow duck to dry for 1 hour.
4. Preheat the oven to 375F. Roast the duck, breast side down, for 20 minutes.
Turn over and continue to roast for 40 more minutes.
5. Transfer duck to a chopping board and allow to cool slightly. Using a
cleaver, disjoint and cut the duck through the bone into bite size pieces.
Arrange the pieces on a serving platter, garnish with cilantro and serve.

Cantonese Meatballs
20 oz. Pineapple Chunks In Syrup
3 tablespoons Packed Brown Sugar
5 tablespoons Teriyaki Sauce, Divided
1 tablespoon Vinegar
1 tablespoon Catsup
1 lb. Ground Beef
2 tablesppons Instant Minced Onion
2 tablespoons Cornstarch
1/4 cup Water
Drain pineapple; reserve syrup. Combine syrup, brown sugar, 3 tablespoons
teriyaki sauce, vinegar and catsup; set aside. Mix beef with remaining 2
tablespoons teriyaki sauce and onion; shape into 20 meatballs. Brown
meatballs in large skillet; drain off excess fat. Pour syrup mixture over
meatballs; simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Dissolve cornstarch in
water; stir into skillet with pineapple. Cook and stir until sauce thickens
and pineapple is heated through

Cashew Chicken
3 Chicken breasts, boned and skinned
1/2 lb. Chinese pea pods
1/2 lb. Mushrooms
4 Green onions
2 cups Bamboo shoots, drained
1 cup Chicken broth
1/4 cup Soy sauce
2 tb Corn starch
1/2 ts Sugar
1/2 ts Salt
4 tb Salad oil
1 pack Cashew nuts (about 4−oz)
Slice breasts horizontally into very thin slices and cut into inch squares.
Place on tray. Prepare vegetables, removing ends and strings from pea pods,
slicing mushrooms, green part of onions, and the bamboo shoots. Add to tray.
Mix soy sauce, cornstarch, sugar, and salt. Heat 1 tbls of oil in skillet
over moderate heat, add all the nuts, and cook 1 min shaking the pan,
toasting the nuts lightly. Remove and reserve. Pour remaining oil in pan, fry
chicken quickly, turning often until it looks opaque. Lower heat to low. Add
pea pods, mushrooms, and broth. Cover and cook slowly for 2 mins. Remove
cover, add soy sauce mixture, bamboo shoots, and cook until thickened,
stirring constantly. Simmer uncovered a bit more and add green onions and
nuts and serve immediately.

Chinese Fire Pot
1 lb Boneless beef sirloin, or beef round
1 lb Boned chicken breasts
1 lb Fish fillets
1 lb Medium shrimp
1 lb Chinese cabbage
1/2 lb Fresh forest mushrooms, or Cultivated mushrooms
Lemon juice
2 pk Enoki mushrooms (3 1/2−oz packages)
3/4 lb Chinese pea pods
2 bn Green onions
2 bn Spinach
8 oz Canned water chestnuts drained and sliced
8 oz Canned bamboo shoots drained and sliced
4 cn Chicken broth (13 3/4−oz cans)
Sweet−and−sour sauce
Soy sauce
Prepared hot Chinese mustard
1/4 lb Fine egg noodles; cooked
Cilantro or chives; chopped (optional)
It is not necessary to use all ingredients listed here as long as you offer
an interesting blend of meats, fish and vegetables. Other meats and
vegetables can be substituted, if desired.
Place beef, chicken and fish in freezer and chill until firm to touch but
not frozen. Slice beef and chicken in strips 1/4−inch thick and about 2
inches long. Cut fish into 3/4−inch cubes. Shell and devein shrimp. Chop
cabbage into bite−size chunks. Clean mushrooms. If using forest mushrooms,
remove and discard stems. Slice mushrooms and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut
off and discard root portion of enoki mushrooms and separate clusters as much
as possible. Wash, trim ends and string pea pods. Clean green onions and cut
in halves lengthwise, including green portion. Cut into 2−inch lengths. Clean
spinach and discard thick stems. To serve, arrange beef, chicken, fish,
shrimp, cabbage, forest mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, snow peas, green onions,
spinach leaves, water chestnuts and bamboo shoots in individual rows on large
platters or serving plates. Bring broth to boil. Place heating unit under
Chinese hot pot and pour boiling broth into hot−pot bowl. Using Chinese wire
ladle and chopsticks or fondue forks, each person places whatever ingredients
are desired into hot broth to poach. When cooked (this will take only a few
moments), ingredients are then dipped into sweet−and−sour sauce, soy sauce or
hot mustard as desired, and eaten with noodles, adding cilantro, if desired.

A Taste of China ( D )

Just 4 u

Double Cooked Pork
1 1b. fresh boneless pork or fresh, uncured ham
3 oz. scallions or garlic shoots
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 tablespoon soybean paste
1 tablespoon sweet bean sauce
1/4 cup meat stock
1. Wash the pork, drop it into boiling water to cover, and boil for 8
2. Remove, drain, and cut into slices about 2 inches long by 1 ½ inches
wide and ¼ inch thick (7 cm by 4 cm by 16mm). Set aside.
3. Cut the scallions on a slant into 1 inch (3cm) pieces. Set aside.
4. Heat the oil in a wok to very hot 356F, or until smoke rises on
the surface.
5. Add the pork slices, soybean paste, sweet bean sauce, scallions or
garlic shoots, and stock.
6. Stir−fry for 5 minutes, or until the scallions are tender and the soybean
paste loses its raw taste.
7. Remove and serve.

Duck with Almonds
1 lb duck meat
2 tblsp oil
1 tsp salt
2 tblsp soy sauce
2 sticks celery
2 oz fresh mushrooms
4 oz frozen peas
1 cups stock
2 tsp cornstarch
3 oz split, toasted almonds
Cut the duck meat into paper thin slices. Heat the oil, add the salt and
duck and fry for about 5 minutes or until the meat is tender. Add the
soy sauce and mix well.
Wash and chop the celery; wash and thinly slice the mushrooms; add both
to the pan with the peas, mix well and cook for 1 minute. Add the stock,
bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
Mix the cornstarch to a smooth paste with a little cold water, stir into
the pan, bring to the boil, stirring all the time until slightly
thickened. Add the almonds and serve.

A Taste of China ( E )

Just 4 u

Egg−Drop Soup
1 1/2 quarts chicken broth or clear soup stock
2 tbls. cornstarch, mixed in 1/4 cup cold water
2 eggs, slightly beaten with a fork
2 scallions, chopped, including green ends
Bring soup stock to a bowl. Slowly pour in the corn starch mixture
while stirring the stock, until the stock thickens. Reduce heat
so stock just simmers. Pour in the eggs slowly while stirring
the soup. As soon as the last bit of egg is in, shut off heat at once
Serve with chopped scallions on top.

Egg Rolls
1 lb. chinese cabbage (Napa)
2 stalks celery
1/2 lb. cooked shrimp
1/2 lb. cooked pork or chicken livers
10 water chestnuts
1/3 cup bamboo shoots
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
Liberal dash pepper
1/2 tsp. light soy sauce
1/4 tsp. sesame oil
1 beaten egg
10 egg roll skins
3 cups oil
PREPARATION: Boil cabbage and celery until very tender. Drain and squeeze
out excess water. Shred very fine and set aside to
drain further. Parboil shrimp and fry or bake pork. Mince both. Shred
water chestnuts and bamboo shoots. Mix all ingredients but egg together.
Beat egg. Wrap filling in egg roll skins and seal with egg.
COOKING: Heat oil in wok or deep fat fryer to 375 degrees and drop in egg
rolls. When skin turns light golden brown, remove from oil and drain. (At
this point restaurants refrigerate them and finish the cooking process as
needed.) When cool, drop again into hot oil and fry until golden brown.
Makes 10.
The two−stage deep frying method is actually a professional Chinese chefs'
secret. It assures that the inside will be moist and not overcooked (as
anything overcooked becomes dry) and the outside will be crisp.

A Taste of China ( F )

Just 4 u

Foo Yung
6 eggs, beaten well
1 cup shredded cooked meat (roast pork, shrimp, almost any!)
2 cups fresh bean sprouts (or 1 can)
2 scallions, chopped, including the green ends
1 medium onion, shredded
1 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground pepper
1 teaspoon MSG (optional)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 cup chicken stock or water
Vegetable oil for frying
Make gravy if desired (recipe follows). Preheat oven to 200F. Line
a platter with several thicknesses of paper towel. Mix all ingredients
except the vegetable oil together in a mixing bowl.
Heat a frying pan hot and dry. Put in vegetable oil to a depth of
about 1/2 inch. Keep oil at this level by adding more, as some is
absorbed in cooking. Bring oil temperature to medium. Stir up the
omelet mixture each time before you take a scoopful of it out, in
order to have the proper ratio of liquid and solid ingredients in each.
With a ladle or soup scoop, take a scoop of the egg mixture and gently
put into the frying pan. When the first omelet has stiffened, gently
move it over to make room for the next. The number of omelets you
can make at once depends on the size of your frying pan. When one
side of the omelet has turned golden brown, turn over gently with
pancake turner to fry the other side. When done, transfer from
frying pan onto paper−lined platter. Keep warm in oven until all
the omelets can be served together. Serve with or without gravy.
1 1/2 cups chicken stock
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon MSG (optional)
1/8 teaspoon ground pepper
Pinch of salt
Mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan. Bring to a boil
slowly with frequent stirring. When gravy has thickened, turn heat
to very low to keep it warm until ready to use.

A Taste of China ( G )

Just 4 u

Garlic Chicken
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 lb.)
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
1 Tablespoon dry white wine or sherry
4 green onions
1 teaspoon minced gingerroot
3 teaspoons minced fresh garlic (about 6 medium cloves)
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
Hot cooked rice
1 teaspoon crushed chili paste (sambal oelek) or more to taste
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon water
2 Tablespoons dry white wine or sherry
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
Place chicken breasts in freezer for 1 to 2 hours or until very firm
but not frozen solid. Slice crosswise into thin shreds. In small bowl,
lightly beat egg white, then mix in 1 TBS cornstach and 1 TBS wine,
stirring until cornstarch is dissolved. Add chicken and mix well to coat
all pieces. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, slice green onions on the diagonal into very thin slices.
Mince gingerroot and garlic. Combine Sauce ingredients, mixing well.
Heat wok or frying pan, add oil, and stir−fry chicken until no longer pink.
Remove chicken with a slotted spoon. Add onions, ginger and garlic to
wok and stir−fry about 30 seconds, until ginger and garlic are fragrant
but not brown. Return chicken to wok, restir sauce ingredients and add
to wok. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is well combined, hot and
bubbly and thickens slightly. Turn off heat and splash with about 1 tsp
of dark sesame oil. Serve over rice.

General Tsao's Chicken
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup water
1+1/2 tsp minced garlic
1+1/2 tsp minced ginger root
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup cooking wine
1+1/2 cup hot chicken broth
1 tsp monosodium glutamate (optional)
3 lbs deboned dark chicken meat, cut into large chunks
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tsp white pepper
1 egg
1 cup cornstarch
Vegetable oil for deep−frying
2 cups sliced green onions
16 small dried hot peppers
Mix 1/2 cup cornstarch with water. Add garlic, ginger, sugar, 1/2 cup
soy sauce, vinegar, wine, chicken broth and MSG (if desired). Stir until
sugar dissolves. Refrigerate until needed.
In separate bowl, mix chicken, 1/4 cup soy sauce and white pepper.
Stir in egg. Add 1 cup cornstarch and mix until chicken pieces are
coated evenly. Add cup of vegetable oil to help separate chicken pieces.
Divide chicken into small quantities and deep−fry at 350 degrees until
crispy. Drain on paper towels.
Place a small amount of oil in wok and heat until wok is hot. Add onions
and peppers and stir−fry briefly. Stir sauce and add to wok.
Place chicken in sauce and cook until sauce thickens.

A Taste of China ( H )

Just 4 u

Ham and Chicken Rolls
2 Whole Chicken Breasts (skinless, boneless)
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper
1/4 Teaspoon Five Spice Powder
1/8 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
4 Slices of Ham (about 1 ounce each)
1 Egg Beaten
2 Tablespoons Milk
1/4 Cup All−purpose Flour
4 springroll or egg roll wrappers
3 cups vegetable Oil
1. Cut breasts in half, Remove Bones if necessary, Pound breast till very
thin using a mallet or rolling pin.
2. Combine spices (Salt, Pepper, Five−Spice Powder, Garlic Powder) sprinkle
1/4 teaspoon evenly over each flattened chicken breast.
3. Tightly roll up each ham piece and place in the center of each chicken
piece. Roll the chicken piece around the ham, tucking in the ends of
the chicken about it.
4. Combine egg and milk in a shallow dish. Coat each lightly with flour
then dip into the egg−milk mixture. Place each piece diagonally into a
spring roll wrapper. Roll it up securely folding the ends. Brush the end
corner with egg mixture and a pinch to seal.
5. Heat oil in the wok over high heat until it reaches 375 degrees F.
Fry 3 to 4 rolls at a time in the hot oil until golden and the chicken
is completely cooked (about 5 minutes). Drain on absorbent paper.
6. Cool slightly. and cut into 1−inch slices serve on a bed of shredded
lettuce or bock choy.

Hoisin Beef & Scallion Rolls
1 whole flank steak
1/2 cup soy sauce
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup ginger −−chopped, fresh
dash black pepper
1/2 cup hoisin sauce
1 bunch scallions
In a shallow dish, mix together the soy sauce, oil, garlic, ginger, and
some pepper. Add the beef and marinate overnight in the refrigerator,
turning once. Heat the broiler. Pat the marinated meat dry and broil
the steak, about 4 inches from the heat, until rare, 5 to 6 minutes
per side. Cool completely and then slice very think on the bias, across
the grain of the meat. Trim the slices to form approximately 2 x 4 inch
strips. Brush a thin layer of hoisin sauce on each strip of beef. Lay
a small bundle of scallion julienne at one end and roll up securely.
Arrange on trays, seam side down, cover tightly with plastic wrap
(make sure the plastic is in close contact with the beef),
and refrigerate until time to serve.

A Taste of China ( K )

Just 4 u

Kung Pao Chicken

2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 teaspoon cornstarch
3/4 pound boneless, skinless chicken
1/4 cup Chinese black vinegar or balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup chicken broth
3 tablespoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 teaspoons chili garlic sauce
2 teaspoons sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons cooking oil
8 small dried red chilies
4 teaspoons minced garlic
2 stalks celery, diced
1/2 red bell pepper, cut into 1−inch squares
1 can (8 oz.) sliced bamboo shoots, drained
2 teaspoons cornstarch dissolved in 1 tablespoon water
1/3 cup roasted peanuts
1. Combine marinade ingredients in a bowl. Cut chicken into 1−inch pieces.
Place chicken in marinade and stir to coat. Let stand for 10 minutes.
2. Combine sauce ingredients in a bowl.
3. Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add 2 tablespoons oil, swirling to
coat sides. Add chilies and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10
seconds. Add chicken and stir−fry for 2 minutes. Remove chicken and
chilies from wok.
4. Add remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil to wok, swirling to coat sides. Add garlic
and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Add celery, bell
pepper, and bamboo shoots; stir−fry for 1 1/2 minutes.
5. Return chicken and chilies to wok; stir−fry for 1 minute. Add sauce and
bring to a boil. Add cornstarch solution and cook, stirring, until sauce
boils and thickens. Add peanuts and stir to coat.

Kung Pao Beef

1 lb. Beef boneless sirloin or flank steak
1 tablespoon Vegetable oil
2 teaspoon Cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 dash white pepper
2 Hot green chilies
2 Green onions (with tops)
1 Red bell pepper
2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
2 teaspoon Finely chopped garlic
1 teaspoon Finely chopped ginger root
2 tablespoon Brown bean sauce
1/2 cup Diced canned bamboo shoots
1 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 cup Skinless raw peanuts, roasted
Trim fat from beef steak; cut beef into 3/4−inch
cubes. Toss beef, 1 tablespoon oil, the cornstarch,
salt and white pepper in glass or plastic bowl. Cover
and refrigerate 30 minutes.

A Taste of China ( L )

Just 4 u

Lemon Chicken

3 lb chicken brests, boned
1 tablespoon sherry
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups vegetable oil
1/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 lemon
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1. In large bowl, comine chicken with sherry, soy sauce and salt; let it
marinate for 15 minutes.
2. In small bowl, beat eggs, cornstarch and baking powder to form batter.
In a wok, heat 2 cups oil to 350 degrees F. Coat chicken with batter; fry
until browned. Cut into bite size pieces.
3. Combine sugar, cornstarch, broth, lemon juice and remaining 1
teaspoon of salt. Cut lemon into thin slices. In a wok, heat the two
tablespoons of oil; add lemon slices and stir fry for 30 seconds. Slowly
stir in cornstarch mixture. Stir until sauce is clear.
4. Pour sauce over chicken. Ready to serve.

Lion's Head

1 slice ginger
1 scallion, cut into fourths
1/2 cup water
1 pound ground pork
1 tablespoon sherry
3 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons cornstarch, dissolved in 4 tablespoons water
6 tablespoons oil
1 pound bok choy (Chinese green), cut into 3 inch lengths
1/2 cup chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1. Pound ginger and scallion with back of knife or cleaver. Put in bowl
with water. Set aside 10 minutes.
2. Strain out scallion and ginger from water.
3. Put pork in bowl. Add scallion and ginger water, sherry, 1 tablespoon
of soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and cornstarch. Mix well with hand
in one direction.
4. Form meat mixture into 4 large balls.
5. Using your hands, light coat balls with dissolved cornstarch.
6. Heat 4 tablespoons of oil in wok. Fry balls one at a time until they are
brown. Baste with hot oil. Remove carefully.
7. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil until smoking hot in wok. Stir−fry bok choy 2
minutes. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt.
8. Put bok choy into heavy pot. Place meatballs on top. Add 2
tablespoons soy sauce and stock. Cover. Simmer 1 hour.
9. Add sugar. Bring to boil 2 minutes. If the gravy is too watery, thicken
with a little dissolved cornstarch.

Lobster Cantonese

2 lb. Lobster tails
1 Clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon Fermented black beans − rinsed and drained
2 tablespoon Oil
1/4 lb. Ground pork
1 1/2 cup Hot water
1 1/2 tablespoons Soy sauce
1 teaspoon MSG (optional)
2 tablespoons Cornstarch
3 tablespoons Dry sherry
1 Egg
3 tablespoons Water
Cilantro sprigs
Green onion curls
Hot cooked rice
For the best results in preparing this attractive
Chinese dish cook the lobster pieces as quickly as
possible. The beaten egg added to the sauce makes it
richer and creamier.
With sharp knife, pry lobster meat from shell and
slice into medallions. Mince garlic and black beans
together. Heat oil in wok or skillet and add garlic
mixture. Cook and stir a few seconds. Add pork and
cook about 10 minutes, stirring to break up meat. Add
hot water, soy sauce and MSG. Add lobster medallions
and cook 2 minutes. Mix cornstarch and sherry and stir
into sauce. Beat egg with 3 tablespoons water and
blend into sauce. Cook over low heat 30 seconds,
stirring constantly. Sauce should be creamy but not
heavy. Spoon sauce into center of platter. Arrange
medallions in sauce in decorative pattern. Garnish
with cilantro and green onion curls. For each serving,
place a few lobster medallions over rice in bowl.
Spoon sauce over lobster.

Lo Mein

4 cups cooked Chinese noodles (or very thin spaghetti)
rinsed and drained
12 oz. diced cooked meat (beef, chicken, pork ... any)
1 package frozen French−style green beans, thawed
2 cups fresh bean sprouts
3 scallions, chopped
1 slice ginger, shredded
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teas. MSG (Accent)
1 teas. sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 teas. sesame oil
2 Tbls. sherry
Mix together MSG, sugar, and soy sauce. Set aside.
Heat wok or pan hot and dry. Add just 3 tablespoons of the
vegetable oil and all the sesame oil. Put in ginger and garlic to
brown first, then all the other vegetables. Stir and cook for one
minute over high heat. Add the sherry. Cover and cook one
minute longer. Turn off heat. Remove vegetables, and drain;
discard these juices. Set drained vegetables aside.
Heat wok or pan dry again. Put in remainder of oil. Turn heat
to medium. Add cooked noodles and stir constantly to heat
through and to coat the noodles with oil for a couple minutes.
Add your choice of meat and reserved vegetables; mix
thoroughly. Add reserved soy sauce mixture and stir until
noodles become one even color. Serve.

A Taste of China ( M )

Just 4 u

Manchurian Sauce

1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup vegetable stock
1/2 cup green onion −− thinly sliced
1 teaspoon fresh ginger root −− minced
1 teaspoon garlic −− minced
1/2 teaspoon wasabi (or 1/2 tsp minced jalapeno pepper)
In a medium−sized bowl, combine all the ingredients and whisk
until well blended. Regrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Mandarin Chicken

1 broiler/fryer chicken, 3 to 3−1/2 pounds − cut up and skin removed
2 cups water
1 cup ketchup
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate
2 teaspoons ground mustard
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon garlic powder
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup cold water
11 ounces mandarin oranges −− drained
1/2 cup whole pitted ripe olives
2 tablespoons chopped green pepper
hot cooked rice
Place chicken in a large resealable plastic bag or glass dish. In a bowl,
combine water, ketchup, brown sugar, soy sauce, orange juice concentrate,
mustard, salt, pepper, ginger and garlic powder. Pour half over the chicken.
Cover chicken and remaining marinade; refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.
Drain chicken, discarding marinade. Place chicken in a slow cooker; add
reserved marinade. Cover and cook on low for 7−8 hours. Combine cornstarch
and cold water until smooth; stir into the chicken mixture. Add oranges,
olives and green pepper. Cover and cook on high for 30−45 minutes or until
thickened. Serve over rice.

Mandarin Noodles

4 dried Chinese mushrooms
1/2 pound fresh Chinese noodles
1/4 cup peanut oil
1 tablespoon hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon bean sauce
2 tablespoons rice wine or dry sherry
3 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar or honey
1/2 cup reserved mushroom soaking liquid
1 teaspoon chili paste
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 red bell pepper −− in 1/2 inch cubes
1/2 8 ounce can whole bamboo shoots, cut in 1/2 in cubes
−− rinsed and drained
2 cups bean sprouts
1 scallion −− thinly sliced
1. Soak the Chinese mushrooms in 1 1/4 cups of hot water for 30
minutes. While they are soaking, bring 4 quarts of water to a boil and
cook the noodles for 3 minutes. Drain and toss with 1 tablespoon of
peanut oil; set aside.
2. Remove the mushrooms; strain and reserve 1/2 cup of the soaking
liquid for the sauce. Trin and discard the mushroom stems; coarsely
chop the caps and set aside.
3. Combine the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl and stir well to
dissolve the sugar; set aside. Dissolve the cornstarch in 2 tablespoons
of cold water; set aside.
4. Place the wok over medium−high heat. When it begins to smoke, add
the remaining 3 tablespoons of peanut oil, then the mushrooms, red
pepper, bamboo shoots, and bean sprouts. Stir−fry 2 minutes.
5. Stir the sauce and add it to the wok, and continue to stir−fry until the
mixture begins to boil, about 30 seconds.
6. Mix the dissolved cornstarch and add it to the wok. Continue to stir until
the sauce thickens, about 1 minute. Add the noodles and toss until
heated through, about 2 minutes.
7. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with the sliced scallion. Serve

Mandarin Pancakes

2 cups flour
3/4 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1. Place flour in a bowl. Add boiling water, stirring with chopsticks or a
fork until dough is evenly moistened. On a lightly floured board, knead
dough until smooth and satiny, about 5 minutes. Cover and let rest for 30
2. On a lightly floured board, roll dough into a cylinder; cut into 16 equal
pieces. Roll each piece into a ball, then flatten slightly into a pancake.
Brush top of each pancake with a light coating of sesame oil.
3. Place 1 pancake on top of a second pancake, oiled sides together. With a
rolling pin, roll to make a circle 6 inches in diameter. Stack and roll
remaining pairs of pancakes the same way. Cover with a damp cloth to
prevent drying.
1. Place a nonstick frying pan over lm heat until hot. Add 1 pair of pancakes
and cook, turning once, until lightly browned and bubbles appear on the
surface, about 2 minutes on each side. Remove from pan and separate
into 2 pancakes while still hot. Stack cooked pancakes on a plate while
cooking remaining pairs of pancakes.
2. Serve pancakes hot. If making ahead, reheat pancakes in a microwave
oven or wrap in a clean dish towel and steam in a bamboo steamer for
5 minutes.

Ma Po

1/2 cup Vegetable broth
1/3 cup Hoisin sauce
1 tb Rice wine/dry sherry
1/3 cup Ketchup
1/2 ts Hot sauce
1 tb Sesame oil
1 tb Vegetable oil
3 ea Garlic cloves, minced
1 lb Firm tofu, cut to 1/2" cubes
2 cups Mung bean sprouts
1 tb Cornstarch mixed with 2 − tablespoons water
2 ea Green onions, slivered
In a small bowl, combine broth, hoisin sauce, rice wine or sherry, ketchup
& hot sauce. Set aside.
Place a wok over high heat, when hot, add vegetable oil. Add garlic & stir
for 5 seconds. Add tofu & stir fry for 2 minutes. Stir in reserved sauce &
cook 1 minute. Add bean sprouts & cook another minute. Add dissolved
cornstarch & stir till sauce thickens.
Serve over noodles tossed in sesame oil or over steamed rice. Garnish with

Mongolian Beef

3/4 pound flank steak, thinly sliced across the grain
2 1/2 tablesspoons cooking oil
2 tablespoons minced garlic
10 small dried red chilies
10 green onions, cut into 3−inch pieces
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
2 tablespoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1. Combine marinade ingredients in a bowl. Add beef and stir to coat. Let
stand for 10 minutes.
2. Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add 2 tablespoons oil, swirling to
coat sides. Add beef and stir−fry until no longer pink, 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.
Remove meat from pan.
3. Add remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil to wok, swirling to coat sides. Add garlic
and chilies; cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Add green
onions and stir−fry for 1 minute.
4. Return meat to wok and add hoisin sauce and soy sauce; cook until
heated through.

Moo Goo Gai Pan

4 chicken breast halves, skinned, boned and sliced
salt and pepper
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups water
1 tb cornstarch
5 tb corn oil
8 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced
4 lb. bok choy or Chinese white cabbage, chopped
2 tb sugar
4 tb soy sauce
6 scallions, chopped
1. In a bowl, toss chicken with the salt and pepper, garlic and cornstarch
mixture. Set aside.
2. Heat 3 tablespoons of corn oil in a wok and stir in mushrooms, bok
choy/cabbage and sugar for 2 minutes. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
Remove from wok.
3. Heat remaining corn oil in wok. Stir−fry chicken for 2 minutes over high
heat. Add soy sauce and mix well. Cover and cook for about 6 minutes,
or until the chicken is thoroughly cooked.
4. Mix in the cooked vegetables and scallions. Stir fry together for about 1
minute. Serve hot with rice.

Mu Shu Chicken

3/4 pound boned and skinned chicken breast
20 tiger lily buds
3 tablespoons tree ears
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon water
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
6 tablespoons corn oil
4 extra large eggs, well beaten
3 scallions, shredded
1 Cup shredded green cabbage
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon oriental sesame oil
20 Mandarin Pancakes, warmed
1. Freeze the chicken in separate pieces. Thaw until semifrozen, then shred
2. Soak the tiger lily buds and tree ears separately in warm water in bowls
for 30 minutes. Cut off and discard the hard ends of the lily buds, then
cut the buds in half. Clean and wash the tree ears and cut them into small
pieces. Discard soaking liquid. Place the shredded ingredients in separate
mounds on a large platter near the stove.
3. In a medium bowl mix the marinade ingredients and add the chicken. Mix
well and also place near the stove.
4. Heat a wok over medium heat until hot, then add 3 tablespoons of corn
oil and the eggs. With a spatula, slowly push the eggs back and forth in
the wok; as the eggs cook and coagulate, break them up into large pieces;
they should be dry. Transfer the cooked eggs to a bowl.
5. Reheat the wok and add the remaining corn oil. Add the chicken and stir
fry until it changes color. As you stir, use the spatula to separate the
shredded chicken. Add the shredded tree ears, lily buds, scallions and
cabbage, blend well, then add the salt. Continue to stir fry until the
cabbage wilts, about 2 to 3 minutes.
6. Return the eggs to the wok and stir until well blended, breaking up the
eggs into smaller pieres. Mix in the sesame oil, turn off the heat and
transfer the mixture to a serving platter. Serve hot with mandarin pancakes.

A Taste of China ( R )

Just 4 u

Peanut Sauce
1/2 cup Chunk−style peanut butter
1 1/2 tablespoons Soy sauce
1 tablespoon Water
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
2 dashes Tabasco sauce
1 Clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup Water
Thoroughly combine the first 6 ingredients; slowly
stir in the 1/2 cup water, mixing until smooth. Makes
about 1 cup.

Peking Duck

1. Loosen the skin from the duck by massaging it,
pulling the skin away where possible.
2. Blanch the duck for a couple of minutes.
3. Hang it up to dry for 4 hours, then baste it with
sherry or with honey−water 1/2 and 1/2 mixture. Hang
it up again to dry for 4 hours.
4. Roast duck using the following times and temperatures:
30 min. at 375F, then
1 hour at 250F, then
30 min at 400F
The rationale for this I'm not sure of, but all
recipes claim that changing the oven temperature makes
a vast difference.
5. To serve − slice off skin and cut it into 1"x2"
pieces. Cut meat into similar−sized pieces. Provide 2"
scallion lengths (green and white part), hoisin sauce
(canned or bottled), and mandarin pancakes. Each diner
rolls a bit of meat, a bit of skin, and a scallion
length into a pancake that has been spread with about
a teaspoon of hoisin sauce with the scallion and eats
with fingers

Pepper Steak

1 pound flank steak, diagonally sliced
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons oil
4 cloves garlic chopped
2 teaspoons ginger root; peeled, grated
2 scallions chopped
2 tablespoons oil
1 large onion
2 green peppers sliced
Marinate steak for 15 minutes or more. Add oil to hot wok.
Swirl and stir fry garlic, ginger and scallions for 30
seconds. With slotted spoon, reserving the marinade, add
half the steak and stir fry for 3 minutes. Remove and set
aside. Repeat with remaining steak. Add oil and stir fry
onion and green peppers for 2 minutes. Push vegetables to
sides of wok. Add marinade to center of wok and stir until
thickened and bubbly. Blend in vegetables, add steak and
heat thoroughly.

Pickled Sweet and Sour Vegetables

1 medium head of cauliflower
2 medium green peppers
4 carrots
3 bunches radishes
2 hot chili peppers
3 quarts water for blanching
Wash all the vegetables and cut into bite size pieces.
Place the 3 quarts water in a saucepan and bring to a vigorous boil.
Add all the cut vegetables to the boiling water and turn off the heat
at once. Let vegetables stay in the water for 2 minutes. Drain off water
and spread out the vegetables to dry on a platter. When vegetables are
cooled, pack the pieces at random tightly into a glass jar or plastic
In a saucepan, mix, and bring to a boil:
2 cups sugar
2 cups white vinegar
1 teas. salt
1 cup water
Remove from stove to cool. Pour marinating liquid over the vegetables until
they are completely covered. Cap the container or jar and store in
refrigerator. Let stand for at least 1 week before using.

Pork and Bamboo Shoots

2 lb. lean pork
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tblsp sherry
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp ground ginger
1 litre water
4 oz bamboo shoots
Cut the pork into small cubes. Mix the soy sauce, sherry, sugar and
ginger together, add to the pork, toss well and leave for 10 minutes.
Put pork and flavourings in a large pan, add the water and bring gently
to the boil, cover and simmer for 1 hour.
Drain bamboo shoots and shred finely, add to the pan and simmer for 10
minutes. If wished, liquid may be thickened with 1 tablespoon cornstarch.
mixed with a little cold water.

Pork with Broccoli in Oyster Sauce

1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon MSG (optional)
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1/2 cup chicken stock
2 cups sliced lean pork (about 1 pound)
1 bunch (about 2 pounds) fresh brocolli, sliced
2 slices ginger, shredded
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup water
Mix together first five ingredients and set aside.
Heat wok or pan until hot and dry. Add the oil, then the salt.
Turn heat to medium. Add the ginger and the garlic and fry until
golden brown. Turn heat to high. Add the pork and fry until outside
is lightly browned. Add the broccoli and stir−fry for 3 minutes.
Add the water, cover, and cook for 4 minutes. Pour in reserved
sauce mixture; stir while cooking until gravy thickens. Turn heat
down to low, cover, and cook for 2 minutes more. Place in covered
serving dish until ready to serve.

Prawns with Peanut Sauce

24 medium Prawns, shelled & deveined
24 Chinese pea pods
24 Ripe black olives
1/4 cup Dry sherry
1/4 cup Soy sauce
1/4 cup Peanut butter
3 tablespoons Sugar
2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
4 Cloves garlic, minced
Alternate prawns, pea pods and olives on bamboo picks.
Combine sherry, soy sauce, peanut butter, sugar, oil
and garlic and mix well. Grill or broil kabobs for 6
to 10 minutes or until prawns turn pink and opaque,
brushing prawns frequently with peanut sauce.
(you can substitute 2 whole boned and skinned chicken
breasts for the prawns. Cut each half breast into 6
pieces and skewer with pea pods and olives. Grill or
broil 10 minutes or until done

Pressed Rice Cakes

2 cups glutinous rice
3 cups water
1. Wash and drain 2 cups glutinous rice. Place in a medium pan with 3 cups
water; bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer until all liquid is
absorbed, 35 to 40 minutes.
2. Spoon hot rice into a 9−inch−square pan lined with lightly oiled foil or
banana leaves.
3. Cover with more oiled foil or leaves and a second square pan; weight with
large cans or other heavy objects.
4. Let stand 8 hours or overnight. Invert onto a cutting board, remove foil or
leaves, and slice into 1 1/2−inch squares with a wet knife. Serve at room

Puff Shrimp

12 large shrimp (about 1 1/2 lbs.)
1/2 teaspoon garlic juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon monosodium glutamate
oil for deep frying 2−3 quarts
Chinese parsley, watercress, lettuce leaves, for garnish (optional)
Remove shells from the shrimp except for the last tail section.
With a sharp knife, cut the shrimp from the underside almost through
the back. Be careful not to sever the halves completely. Remove black
veins and rinse the shrimp well. Place on paper towels and pat dry.
Arrange shrimp on a plate or platter, with split side up. Rub a little
garlic juice on each. Sprinkle a touch of salt and monosodium glutamate
on each. Put aside.
1 1/2 cups white flour
( do not use unbleached flour−it turns
gray instead of golden brown.)
1 tabelspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup cold water
Place flour, baking powder, and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix throughly.
Add oil, a little at a time, while stirring with a wooden fork or spoon
until all the ingredients form a ball and the sides of the bowl are
clean. Add water a little at a time while stirring, until the dough
becomes the consistancy of pancake batter; the thicker the batter the
thicker the crust will be on the shrimp.
Place the shrimp and the batter conveniently near your cooking utensil.
Heat the oil in a wok, or a deep frying utensil, to 350−360 f. You can also
test the temperature of the oil by putting a drop of batter in it.
If the batter sizzles, puffs up, or floats, the oil is ready.
Take each shrimp by the tail, and dip it into the batter. Put shrimp
directly the hot oil one at a time. As each turns a golden brown, remove
from oil with tongs and place on a paper towel to drain. Arrange on a
serving plate and garnish with parsley or watercross.(A few pieces of lettuce
under the shrimp help to make the dishes look fuller and prettier, and this
allows any excess oil to drain)
Puff shrimp need not be served at once, because the breading will not turn
limp or soggy. Keep them in a preheated 180 oven and the shrimp will still
be hot and crisp for half an hour or longer.
No dip or gravy is required.

Red−Cooked Eggs

6 Eggs
1/4 cup Brown sugar
1/2 cup Dark soy sauce
1/2 cup Chicken broth
1 teaspoon Sesame oil
Hoisin sauce
Oyster sauce
In a pot, cover the eggs with cold water; bring to a boil, then simmer 15
minutes. Remove from heat, cool the eggs under cold running water, and shell
them. In a pan, combine the brown sugar, soy sauce, chicken broth, and sesame
oil. Heat the mixture, stirring to dissolve the brown sugar. Add the eggs.
Simmer, covered for 1 hour. The liquid should cover the eggs, but if it does
not, baste frequently. Turn off the heat and let the eggs stand in the liquid
for another hour, turning them from time to time, to ensure even coloring.
Serve cut into halves or quarters, with dipping sauce. Makes 6 to 8 appetizer
DIPPING SAUCE: In bowl, combine equal parts of the hoisin sauce and oyster


1 lb. Chicken Livers
8 oz. Water Chestnuts; Drained
12 each Bacon Strips
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
1/2 teaspoon Ginger; Powdered
1/2 teaspoon Chinese 5−Spice Powder or 1/2 teaspoon Curry Powder
Cut the chicken livers in half or into large chunks. Cut the largest
chestnuts in half. Cut the bacon strips in half, crosswise. Wrap a piece of
bacon around pieces of liver and chestnuts, securing the ends with a
toothpick. Place in a shallow pie plate as you make them. Combine the soy
sauce with spices and pour over the rumaki; refrigerate about 1/2 hour before
serving. Preheat the grill or broiler and broil the rumaki until the bacon is
crisp, about 20 minutes, turning to brown on all sides.
Serve hot.

A Taste of China ( O )

Just 4 u

Orange Beef
1/2 Lb. Top round steak
2 Tb Sherry
2 Tb Cornstarch
2 Egg whites
6 Tb Peanut oil
1 1/2 cups Beef stock
2 Tb Light soy sauce
1 Ts Sugar
1 1/2 Tb Cornstarch
1 Ts Red wine vinegar
5 Dried red chile peppers, broken into pieces
8 Thin slices of orange rind (orange part only) or more
Fresh ground black pepper to taste
Whisk together the sherry, cornstarch, and egg whites until the mixture
is foamy. Add the beef and toss to coat the pieces well. Set aside.
Cut meat into 2x2−inch pieces. Heat 4 tbs. Peanut oil in wok.
Fry quickly, just until crispy and browned, remove to wok rack to drain.
Add remaining 2 tbs. Peanut oil to wok. Add orange rind and red peppers
to hot oil in wok. Stir−fry until orange rind begins to darken and aroma
from oil becomes pleasant. Add remaining ingredients and stir until bubbly
(add more beef stock if too thick). Add fried beef and toss to coat with
sauce. Serve at once with steamed white rice.

A Taste of China ( S )

Just 4 u

Sesame Chicken

1 pound boneless chicken (or pork or steak)
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 ounces small mushrooms, quartered
1 large green bell pepper, seeded and cut into strips
4 scallions, chopped diagonally
boiled rice, to serve
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon soy sauce
few drops of Tabasco sauce
1−inch piece fresh ginger, grated
1 garlic clove, crushed
1. Trim the meat and cut into thin strips about 1/2 x 2 inch.
2. Make the marinade. In a bowl, blend the cornstarch with the rice wine or
dry sherry, then stir in the lemon juice, soy sauce, Tabasco sauce, ginger
and garlic. Stir in the strips, cover and leave in a cool place for 3−4 hours.
3. Place the sesame seeds in a wok or large frying pan and dry−fry over
moderate heat, shaking the pan, until the seeds are golden. Set aside.
4. Heat the sesame and vegetable oils in the wok or frying pan. Drain the
meat, reserving the marinade, and stir− fry a few pieces at a time until
browned. Remove with a slotted spoon.
5. Add the mushrooms and green pepper and stir−fry for 2−3 minutes. Add
the scallions and 1 minute more.
6. Return the meat to the wok or frying pan, together with the reserved
marinade, and stir over a moderate heat for a further 2 minutes, or until
the ingredients are evenly coated with glaze. Sprinkle the sesame seeds
on top and serve immediately with boiled rice.

Sesame Noodles

1/2 lb. Chinese noodles; or 1/2 lb. Linguine
2 teaspoons Sesame oil
1/2 cup Sesame paste (tehini)
1/2 cup Chicken broth
2 tablespoons Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon Freshly grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon Freshly minced garlic
2 teaspoon Rich wine vinegar
1/2 cup Fresh bean sprouts
1/4 cup Finely minced cucumber
1 tablespoon Chopped chives

A Taste of China ( T )

Just 4 u

Teriyaki Beef

1 lb. skirt beef steak
1 cup teriyaki sauce
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon fresh minced garlic
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon black bean sauce
1/4 cup sesame oil
4 oz. onion (1/4" slices)
6 oz. broccoli florets
Cut skirt steaks into 1" cubes and combine all above ingredients in mixing
bowl. Mix thouroughly and let marinate for at least a half hour at room temp.
Refrigerate until needed.
When ready to cook, separate beef only from marinade (save everything else).
In a wok, heat up about a 1/4" of olive oil. Add beef and cook 3/4 done.
Add marinated vegetable (broccoli and onion). Cook until beef is done,
then add approximately 1 cup (or as much as desired) of marinade to beef
and veggies. Cook over low flame to slight boil.
Serve over rice with wonton noodles around edge of plate (or pasta bowl).

Twice−fried Shredded Beef

3/4 lb. Beef sirloin or flank steak
2 tablespoons Dry sherry
2 tablespoons Soy sauce
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 teaspoon Cornstarch
1 small Carrot
1 Green bell pepper
2 Ribs celery
1 small Onion
2 tablespoons Rice vinegar
1 tablespoon Soy sauce
2 teaspoons Sesame oil
1 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Chili oil
1/2 teaspoon Cornstarch
Trim and discard fat from beef. Cut beef across the grain into 1 1/2−inch
matchstick pieces. Combine marinade ingredients in a medium−size bowl.
Add beef; stir to coat. Set aside for 30 minutes. Cut carrot, bell pepper,
and celery into 1 1/2−inch matchstick pieces. Thinly slice onion.
Set vegetables aside separately.
Combine sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.
Cooking: Set wok in a ring stand and add oil to a depth of 1 1/2 to
2 inches. Place over high heat until oil reaches about 375 degrees F.
Add beef, half at a time, and deep fry for 1 minute until browned, turning
occasionally. Lift out and drain on paper towels; set aside.
Cook remaining beef.
Remove all but 2 Tablespoons oil from wok. Reheat oil over high heat until
hot. Add carrot and onion; cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute.
Add bell pepper and celery; stir−fry for 1 more minute. Stir in sauce and
beef. Cook and toss until well mixed.

A Taste of China ( V )

Just 4 u

Vegetable Fried Rice

1/4 cup light soy sauce
3 tablespoons rice wine or dry sherry
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons peanut oil
2 eggs −− lightly beaten
1 carrot −− in 1/2" cubes
1 red bell pepper −− in 1/2" cubes
1/2 cup frozen peas
4 cups cold cooked rice
Combine the first three ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl.
Mix to blend well and set aside.
Place a small skillet over medium heat. When it begins to smoke, add
2 tablespoons of peanut oil and the lightly beaten eggs. Stir until the
eggs are firm but moist. Transfer the eggs from the skillet to a small
bowl and break them into small curds. Set aside.
Bring 1 quart of water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add the carrot and
boil 1 minute. Drain and rinse in cold water. Drain again and reserve.
Place a wok over medium−high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the
remaining 1/4 cup of peanut oil and the garlic. Stir briefly. Add the
carrots, celery, red pepper, and peas. Stir−fry 1 minute. Stir in the rice
and stir−fry 1 minute. Pour in the sauce and cook until the rice is heated
through, about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve hot.

A Taste Of China ( W )

Just 4 u

Won Ton Soup

6 ounces pork, roughly chopped
8 medium shrimp, shelled and ground
1 teaspoon light brown sugar
1 tablespoon Chinese wine or dry sherry
2 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 teaspoon finely chopped scallion
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger
24 wonton wrappers
3 cups chicken stock
finely chopped scallions, to garnish.
1. In a bowl, mix the chopped pork and ground shrimp with the sugar, rice
wine or sherry, 1 T of the soy sauce, the scallions and chopped ginger.
Blend well and set aside for 25−30 minutes for the flavors to blend.
2. Place 1 t of the filling in the center of each wonton wrapper.
3. Wet the edges of each wonton with a little water and press them together
with your fingers to seal, then fold each wonton over.
4. To cook, bring the stock to a rolling boil in a wok, add the wontons and
cook for 4−5 minutes. Add the remaining soy sauce and scallions, transfer
to individual soup bowls and serve.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shirataki Noodle Testimonial and Recipes

Just 4 u

As a Nutritionist, I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with your Shirataki
noodles. I recommend them to all of my clients because of their delicious taste and
easy-to-prep directions. Every time I open a bag of Shirataki noodles, I know they’ll
taste exceptional. Many of my clients and I suffer from gluten and dairy
intolerance; your noodles have truly changed our lives! Thank you, Shirataki for
providing my clients and I with a scrumptious, healthy solution to our longing for


Pudding Last

Just 4 u

Reserve half a cupful of milk from a quart and put the remainder on
the stove in a double boiler. Mix four large tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch and a teaspoonful of salt with the half cupful of milk;
then stir the mixture into the boiling milk and beat well for two
minutes. Cover the boiler and cook the pudding for twelve minutes;
then pour it into a pudding-dish and set in a cool place for half an
hour. When the time for serving comes, make a sauce in this manner:
Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff, dry froth, and beat into this
two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. As soon as the sugar has been
well mixed with the whites, add half of a large tumbler of currant
jelly, or any other bright jelly, or any kind of preserved fruit may
be used. If you prefer, serve sugar and cream with the pudding instead
of a sauce.

Bring one pint of milk to the boiling point; pour it gradually on
one-half cup of Indian meal, stirring all the while to prevent lumps.
When cool add three eggs well beaten, and one tablespoon of flour,
one-half cup of sugar, one-half teaspoon of ginger, one teaspoon of
cinnamon, pinch of salt and one pint cold milk. Pour into battered
pudding dish and bake an hour and a half. Serve with hot maple sugar or

Crumble a pound of sponge cakes, an equal quantity, or less if
preferred, of cocoanut, grated in a basin. Pour over two pints of rich
cream previously sweetened with a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar and
brought to the boiling point. Cover the basin and when the cream is
soaked up stir in it eight well-beaten eggs. Butter a mold, arrange
four or five ounces of preserved ginger around it, pour in the pudding
carefully and tie it down with a cloth. Steam or boil slowly for an
hour and a half; serve with the syrup from the ginger, which should be
warmed and poured over the pudding.

Take three quarts of new milk, put to it a little erning, as much as
will break it when it is scumm'd break it down with your hand, and when
it is drained grind it with a mustard ball in a bowl, or beat it in a
marble-mortar; then take half a pound of butter and six eggs, leaving
out three of the whites; beat the eggs well, and put them into the
curds and butter, grate in half a nutmeg, a little lemon-peel shred
fine, and salt, sweeten it to your taste, beat them all together, and
bake them in little petty-pans with fast bottoms; a quarter of an hour
will bake them; you must butter the tins very well before you put them
in; when you dish them up you must lay them the wrong side upwards on
the dish, and stick them with either blanch'd almonds, candid orange,
or citron cut in long bits, and grate a little loaf sugar over them.

Stone and pick some fine cherries, put them into a buttered mould,
and pour over them a fine batter well sweetened, tie over the mould
closely, and boil one hour and a half; serve with sweet sauce. This
is a delicious pudding; plums or damsons are sometimes used instead of

Pudding One

Just 4 u

Take one pound of almonds, blanch'd and beat fine, one pint of cream,
the yolks of twelve eggs, two ounces of grated bread, half a pound of
suet, marrow, or melted butter, three quarters of a pound of fine
sugar, a little lemon-peel and cinnamon; bake it in a slow oven, in a
dish, or little tins. The above are very good put in skins.

4 eggs, 3 oz. of castor sugar, 4 oz. of ground sweet almonds, 1/2 oz.
of ground bitter almonds. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff
froth, mix them lightly with the well-beaten yolks, add the other
ingredients gradually. Have ready a well-buttered pie-dish, pour the
mixture in (not filling the dish more than three-quarters full), and
bake in a moderately hot oven until a knitting needle pushed through
comes out clean. Turn the pudding out and serve cold.

Beat the yolks of four eggs very light with one-half cup of sugar; then
add one-half cup of grated walnuts or almonds, one-half cup of grated
white bread crumbs, then the stiffly-beaten whites of four eggs. Put in
pudding form and steam from one and one-half to two hours. Serve with
wine or fruit sauce.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Appetizer Recipes 2

Just 4 u
Easy Herb Spread
1 16 oz. whipped cream cheese
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 scallions, minced
1 tsp. mustard
1/2 cup parsley
1/2 cup basil
1. Combine all ingredients well.
2. Place in pretty bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.
3. Serve with crackers.

English Muffin Crab Cakes
8 whole english muffins
2 6 oz. cans crabmeat
2 tbsp. mayonaise
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 small onion, diced
1 16 oz. pkg. shredded meunster cheese
1. Split english muffins and bake on cookie sheet for 10−15 minutes or until turning
slightly brown.
2. In medium bowl combine remaining ingredients. Blend well.
3. Remove english muffins from oven and place spoonfuls of crabmeat mixture on
top of muffins.
4. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.
5. If you have extra mixture, place in small baking dish and bake for 10 minutes and
serve with crackers.